Geometry Nodes

using it as a mask is a bit limited without a “volume” option but here’s one option:

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I put all of my Nodevember blend files up on Gumroad for free, check them out if you want to-


I had actually mentioned this problem in my Devtalk Nodevember thread (point no. 3). Glad the node got implemented, it is actually very useful.

Actually a volume option will be perfect for this kind of masking.
Let see if they’ll develop it or if someone found a way to do it.
Meanwhile, thank you

someone know how to align instance to mesh edge?

I’m trying…

  1. resample curve.
  2. convert curve to mesh (mesh line resulting)
  3. using mesh to points (edge mode)
  4. instances to points (edge centers)
  5. align instances to edge dir (??? how to)

or how to transfer curve tangent to mesh line and send to next geometrynode modifier? (I need add a weld modifier between geonodes modifiers.

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Hey everyone!

I’ve just released a procedural neon sign generator!

Get it for free on gumroad:

Neon Sign Generator for Geometry Nodes

Feel free to use it in your projects!


Has anyone succesfully referenced a curve’s original materials and material id’s in GN?
I have a curve with multiple materials and use Geometry Nodes to define a shape to extrude along it (curve to mesh, curve primitive in the ‘profile’ input), and I just can’t find a way to achieve this.

Here’s my setup:

There are several things that are not supported for Curve type, yet.
Material ID attribute from original geometry is one of them.
It is lost at the moment, you use geometry nodes.
So, you have to choose a way to distinguish geometry and use that to make selections for Set Material nodes.

Anything you can think of for curves? There aren’t so many attributes as for meshes (sharp, seam, bevel weight etc). Vertex Groups I suppose, but with such a workaround it’s more likely I’ll wait until material ID’s are natively supported instead
It becomes a ‘cure worse than the disease’-type situation


I try to do a test with the Geometry Nodes. Unfortunately I’m stucked. Does anyone has advise?

In this example multiple objects are instanced along a curve. The object exist of a Geometry node object where the top is rotated regarding to the distance with an empty.

One object works fine. If the empty is moved, the top of the object rotates like suspected. When this object is instanced over a curve however, the rotation is not determined seperately to each object, but only to the original object. in the screen record below I try to clarify this story:

The node tree of the object:

The node tree of the instancing along a curve:



May I ask what the set radius and set tilt nodes are for?
Currently the Materials in GN work only on the face domain. I am not too well versed about materials and curves, are the materials handle based or spline based?

Plug the Rotation to the group output and name it in the modifier if you want to pass it to the next modifier. You can also capture the curve normal in the same way


random succession of instances
Hi - with this setup every frame the next instance on the curve comes up, in order of the curve`s index points. How could I get every frame one more instance, on a random index point? Thanks for help.

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I have a simple bezier curve with a circle profile applied to it. I’m using the Curve Parameter (+map range) to influence the radius of the curve, such that the base is always 1 and the top is always 0.

What I want to be able to do is control the average or the mid-point so that the base always stays at 1 and the top always stays at 0, but I have an input that controls where 0.5 occurs. I can use a ColorRamp to get the effect I’m after, but I’d prefer to have an input value controlling it instead. Hope that makes sense, any ideas?

Recent Update:

  • I’ve cleaned up the cables and made them much more elegant. The cables now have more options for sag and randomness.
  • The stripes now have an option to be vertical.
  • Added more info, annotations, and notes.
  • I found it is troublesome to set the font in each nodetree and duplicate it every time you want a variation, so I made it one nodetree and moved the text generation outside. Now all the options are within the master tree, and it’s easier to see how it can be used in a larger project.
  • I created a new example display to show my new features and give an example of how icon fonts can be used.
  • I actually packed the fonts into the .blend file. I apologize for forgetting to do this the first time.

Does it need to be one per frame? If you tolerate multiple per frame or none at all on some, it is quite easy to do with the following:

Otherwise, what you are asking is going to be a bit difficult. I wish there was a “shuffle” option for the random value node.

Hi Louis,
In your case, I’d suggest trying to calculate the distance of the points on the curve to the Empty first and then, using the Transfer Attribute node to transfer those calculated distances to the object that’s instanced on those points. That way, each instanced object on your curve can have its own distance and the rotation can be determined separately for each of them.

Here’s the set-up. I also attached the demo file below in case you want to have a look at it later on.

demo_rotation.blend (3.0 MB)


Think just using a power math node might be what I’m after

Thanks, but, yes, I need it exactly every frame. Is there any solution…?

Quick test with Mesh Curvature Node patch