Glass looks like a thin film of transparent plastic sheet

I am trying to render this scene and the glass obviously looks fake and like it’s just a thin film of plastic.

I tried a different setup and it still looks the same:

Here is the node setup:

I do have the “transparent” and “transparent glass” checked in the render tab so I can use different backdrop. Is the lack of stuff in my scene causing this?

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I wouldn’t use a Principled BSDF for glass, personally. You need Fresnel to make glass look right, and you don’t currently have any. Try this:

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Doesn’t Principled BSDF take Fresnel into account?

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Nope, only if you use Subsurface (that’s why the IOR is Subsurface IOR, not IOR).

Edit: ok I’m actually wrong, it does use Fresnel, but not very well:

I am actually using two tutorials for Glass shader. But in my case it looks just worse. It looks fine when I don’t use the transparent glass option in render tab, but then I need it.

It might be your lighting that’s not giving you the look you want. 95% of glass is lighting, since all we can really see of it is highlights and the outline

I have tried like 10 different HDRIs and it still looks off. Will continue trying other HDRIs

Do you have any lights other than HDRIs?

Your liquid is contacting to your bottle surface. Avoid this, and your second setup will look more good.

I have tried with light and no light. It’s not making any difference. However, this is the image before the backplate is applied:


After backplate


This is with the “transparent Glass” turned OFF


I want my glass to look like how it looks in the first pic.

Okay, I am learning new things here. I recently learned that liquid in bottle needs to be intersecting the glass for more realistic render.

That’s a good call, I think your glass initially was a little too thick. It looks really good to me in these screenshots

liquid in bottle needs to be intersecting the glass

Must not intersecting. If do this, refraction calculation will be wrong.

I increased the thickness in the latest screenshot. You mean it was better previously?

I said I would say.

I rendered this with VMATS and VSHADE.

Is this realistic enough?

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I am not sure honestly. from my understanding, it should look like the liquid is actually touching the outside edge of the glass (while in reality it is not)


To me what is happening here is we’ve got a different apparent exposure between the 3D elements and the plate. The plate is overexposed in some parts (bright castle walls) whereas the brightest parts on the bottle and glass are much more dull. I think brightening the HDRI would help.

There’s also the fact that the bottle looks a little too thin, which reminds me of plastic bottles. But the reflections themselves ? they look alright, I think, just a tad dull for lack of light intensity.

If you want more control over the reflections I’d do as other suggested and build a simple mixed shader with fresnel.

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Because of refraction looks like this.

This is basic math and physics info. In real world distance never be 0. Must surfaces too close as possible as, but never touch each others.

Did you try the default glass shader? In node editor: Add>>Shader>>Glass. Plug it directly into the output, bypassing the principled BSDF.

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