Goofing on Project Orange.......More To Come

Thanks for the posts guys, in all seriousness it is a big honor for me to get posts on somthing I made from my two favorite blender artists Basse” and “LohnC”. You guys rock. Ok no more “lavender” comments like that, haha :smiley: .

basse- very cool, glad you thought it was funny. more photos would be great, i have lots of ideas, and hopfully lots more animations in the next few months as you guys work. i do dig that model very much, but it was fun to goof on, haha, thanks!

LohnC- sounds like a good move from brains to green tea, and whats with you smiling in all the photos now, this is not easy to work with, haha. more rage photos, more anger, more craziness, haha, keep up the great work!

Lohn don’t listen to him, he is trying to turn you into Darth C, he is trying to turn you to the dark side.

BTW have you ever tried green tea and apple juice? mmMmmMmm soo good. (but strange) a company here sells it in bottles, so it must be good :stuck_out_tongue:


LohnC is my hero…

Basse your ok… hehe j/k you are both awesome artists. I hope to be a great as you guys one day :slight_smile:

Wu, funny, I will kick your ass man!

those are great!


“Do you see my side burns? Do you know what they are saying? They are saying ‘I will kick your ass!’”

That’s gold man, the other two made me laugh a little, but damn this one was funny. Keep’em coming please :smiley:


PS: WARNING: Watching these at 7am may result in uncontrollable laughter concluding in rupture of lungs.

The animations, especially #3, are extremely funny, but they need better audio. There’s too much blowing into the microphone. And being compressed in Flash it sounds even worse. You should make a Southpark-esque cartoon-version of the scenes like your other cartoons. That would rock.

:smiley: thanks guys! :smiley:

Alltaken- DarthC i like it, from the photos he has already turned, haha

Enriq766- haha, i will kick your ass too :smiley:

orion119net- thanks man!

mystery00- haha ruptured lungs are a good thing! i would like to make more, and countinue the damage to peoples lungs, haha, thanks!

blendermax- thanks, sound has always been my trouble spot, i get so excited about an idea and i rush through the sound, and animation for that part, but i think the main idea gets across, haha, but i will try to improve, thanks for the post.


just great flashwork there Wu :stuck_out_tongue:

“superstar” :wink: and “coffeeman”

well all parts are so fun!


A little off topic (but hey, this thread is off topic, ain’t it? :wink: ), but I was the 1337th view to your thread. I just thought that was sort of neat. :slight_smile:

Very funny animations by the way. I’d love to see a few more!


thanks guys!

ztonzy- thanks! it is fun to give these guys names and characteristics that are totally false. more to come.

meestaplu- congratulations on your 1337, haha, and thanks for the post, ive got part 4 almost all the way written, and plenty of free time this weekend to animate because iam a looser, hahaha.

nr3 was great. the other two were nice, but this one is the best so far. please keep making them.

:smiley: part 4 is out, hope you guys dig it!! :smiley:

mifune- thanks man! i liked part 3 too, and part 4, these two are my favorites. i will be sure to make more and more as project orange goes along. but i think i will take a few weeks off and get back to regular, cartoon animation for awhile. thanks!

HA! these are hilarious, i think i’ll have to get a vrooom jacket :stuck_out_tongue: keep up the great work

Part 4 just might be my favorite yet. I love how the characters are developing. I cant wait for the next one.



that one was hilarious. gotta lovebasse reply lol it fits his art :stuck_out_tongue:
oh and @ndy’s reply…
“you tell him: I already know, you dumbass”


ok I think you made this one more funny than the first one lol I am on the floor…

part 4 ooh yeah! I’ve been waiting for this since part 3

I absolutely love them Wu, :wink:

I think I still prefer part 3, but 4 didn’t disappoint. :wink:

That’s great, Wu. You need to make fun of people more often.

oh man!!! Wu stop please your killing me!!!, lol this should be added to the orange dvd’s gahahahhaa

roflmao. Yeah, I think this one is the best yet. Great work again Wu.

I thought the bit about the jacket was the best.