Graswald - News and Work in Progress

Hey there, if you dive into the add-on structure, you should be able to go into the different blend files and then tweak the material there (core/packages). I’m no Octane user, so I don’t exactly know how it works but I’d try to convert the materials inside the blends.

Let me know if that worked for you!

Is there no way I can call up the material nodes while I’m using graswald. Ie I create some grass on a plane, then call up the graswald nodes in the shader editor?


is it possible to export a surface with a scattered grass from Graswald to other format (i.e. obj or fbx) while keeping the materials/textures? If yes, how do you manage from Blender?

Thanks in advance!


If you have Graswald Pro, it comes with an export fbx option
If you use this, graswald exports models and textures to a desired directory. The models have placeholder materials, but you’ll still need to recreate proper materials for the render engine you want to use.

I would just add a random new object, go to the materials, click the drop down to choose an existing material, type . to reveal the hidden graswald materials, and choose the one you want. You can then edit it as normal.


Thank you. I did figure it out. Should have post on here. whoops.

by the way about exporting.
is it also possible to export the blender-scene to another blender(user) whitout a graswald-license?
and of course amazing addon ,


Hi guys, I haven’t used Graswald in some time, but today I downloaded the latest version Graswald Pro_1.2.2 and after installing it I get the following message when I click on the Plus to add a new system.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.82\scripts\addons\Graswald-Pro\core\ui\", line 17, in draw
    addon_prefs = context.scene.ggd.addon_prefs()
  File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.82\scripts\addons\Graswald_II\core\data\", line 142, in addon_prefs
KeyError: 'bpy_prop_collection[key]: key "Graswald_II" not found'

location: <unknown location>:-1

What is it missing and what should I do?

Edit: Blender 2.82a

Edit 2: I restarted Blender and now it works. Strange.

With the latest update I don’t see anymore the Scatter option on the Scattering Method. Was it removed?

I’m not seeing my systems in the outliner panel. Any ideas on that? As above, 1.2.2 Pro, Blender 2.82a.

Edit: Another restart (in which I had to turn it on again from the preferences for some reason) and it seems to be working now.

And now it’s gone again. Super frustrating.

I’m sorry I can’t be much more precise with what’s going on. I’ll start a fresh scene and see if I can repeat whatever the hell is happening, but I really just need it to work :cry:

Also, does the wetness actually do anything, as I see no difference between my materials when I move the slider, and I need a very wet material.

And finally (for now, I guess), there used to be an option to select between low, mid, and high objects and materials. Is that still in here somewhere?

Is scatter installed? It may be a scatter bug, are there any error messages in the console?

It does.

wetness = 0

wetness = 1

Yes, you can either click the + to load a new material, or use the drop down that says High Quality

Does this happen when you save a file and reopen it, or just while working?

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Yes, both are installed with the latest version.
The console doesn’t say anything.

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Hi, sorry for annoying you with that stuff. I found the quality menu and the wetness worked (everything worked) after I did a Blender restart and deleted my emitter and started again. I’ve no idea what was going on, but it’s all fine now.

Hey folks, sorry for the long absence. We have been working hard to finish the Large Scale Update (Graswald and Graswald Pro 1.3).

I still have to finish updating the website and adding some documentation, but for everyone who can’t wait to try it out, it’s already up on the Blender Market and on Gumroad.

This is an example of what you can do with it, wonderful artwork by the amazing Adam Nordgren.

If you are going to test it out, please check for possible bugs and tell us what you think! If you create any render with it, feel free to PM me, I’d love to check them out!



Looks awesome!
I bought graswald on your homepage.
How can i try the new update?

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Just go to your gumroad account and redownload the newest version (1.3). Then remove the old one and install the new one :smiley:

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The LOD + clump is awesome. Thank you! Super great work.

Kind Regards

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Just downloaded the new version. What are the actual options of the Large Scale features? Is there any tutorial or documentation about it?
**EDIT: it worked on 2.83, but not in 2.90 for me :slight_smile: looks awesome!

I did a small test and a little concept artwork. For me it’s working nicely so far! Now seems really easy and optimized for large scale :slight_smile:
Thanks for the update. Great work!