Grid Modeler - draw on grids => mesh

Update Version 1.10.2: :slightly_smiling_face:

New function : Edge Pipe Tool

  • Now you can create edges or pipes !

You can create edge or pipes by pressing 9 key.

By default it will create edges using your shapes.

If you want to create edges without closing shape, you can use Spacebar key. When you are drawing shape, you can press spacebar key to exit drawing anytime.

After pressing 9 key to commit, you can change options in Left-bottom panel. You can check “Pipe” option to create pipes.

Enjoy :slightly_smiling_face:


There is a option. By default it will merge the pipe into your mesh object. And you can check option to make it separated curve object. :alien:


awesome thanks :slight_smile:


I agree - most of those add-ons I dont even bother with because for the few times I would use them I just forget the key shortcuts to fast.


Can’t the essentail hotkeys be rendered in the viewport as a reminder?


The Bezier Utilities add-on has the code to display its hotkeys on the viewport.



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I just found that the on-screen information is outdated,
I will update it.

But Yes, they are printed on screen already. Do you see it ?

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I updated the hint text a little bit, hope that helps :smile:


Update Version 1.10.3:


Still in the way to be consistent and intuitive with Blender, what do you think about the idea to make right click to cancel/exit the tool and have the tab key to switch to selection mode? The Tab key is generally used to switch mode in blender also in some addons like CAD Transform


Oh yes please. I second this suggestion.
I also wish right click would cancel the current action.

Just great, thank you!!!

N.B. Although… why spacebar? May be Shift-9 better? :slight_smile:

Update Version 1.10.4:

New Plane rotation function

  • Now when you draw, you can press Ctrl + P to rotate the plane at your last drawn location! You can press Ctrl + P repeatedly to rotate it (facing top, left, front).


Oh no. Actually, right click is for contex menus, this is general among so many applications (even Blender this days) that even GridMod would benefit from this… Menu with possible modes on right click (selection / construct lines /etc…) would be really handy! Good replacement to the need to remember hotkeys for rare cases

Context menus are really great for feature discoverability too.

There even could be “Cancel/Exit without change” item :slight_smile:

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Wow! So great new features! Going to test them! :smiley:

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Played with the new features a little bit: they are great! :smiley:

However, why not placing the grid to all selected faces from the very beginning of the process (as in the image below)? We do select all the faces on which we want to draw a line or a pipe and then we click ‘w’… and voila: there appear grids in all the selected faces… and then we draw on them continously.

Is it not possible to do such a thing Kushiro? If it is difficult no problem, as they are things now too are ok, but just sharing the idea…


I tried to do that, but it has some problems… :sweat_smile:
It need more research :wink: Maybe be in future


No problem Kushiro, so as it is now too is great! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you! :smile: Hope you love the update :alien:

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Update Version 1.10.6: :slightly_smiling_face:

Enhanced Plane Rotation (Ctrl + P) function!

  • Now you can use Ctrl + P even only one point on the grid

  • Now the plane is always centered on your last drawn location !

You can draw Edge lines easily !