Half Knife. Fast knife tool for Blender

Hi everyone!
By request of @Woolfy13 I made an addon. It used to speed up modeling. Here is the demo:

You can buy it here:

Released on Blender market too:


The idea was to create more faster cut tool for daily modelling tasks. With default knife you need at least 4 clicks to achieve a cut, if via hotkeys (run tool, click on edge,click on another edge,confirm). Half knife works with 2 clicks. That sound not much, but over long modelling session it makes a lot of sense having faster tool for simple cuts.
Beside of this you can make add vertex on edge, and “poke” faces in face mode.
Thank you very much for this tool Artem!


bought. Nice ad and model. I hope you put it on Blendermarket too! This would be THE time to launch it there. Kudos and good luck!


Thanks for the purchase!

I hope you put it on Blendermarket too!

I have made a product there. But it still in the draft status. They review it slowly or i don’t know how to do it properly.


sends email

What does it mean?

well right now is a sales event and now would be a good time to have launched. I sent an email to see if that can be “fastracked” if possible.

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Oh. Thanks then.
But how do they know wich product to review? Here is the link i guess

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oh yeah i figured it was the same name there. I gotta get in and play with this some too but I hope they get it launched for ya. But tis the season… to work from home.

Thank you!

HI, Half knife has a key to constraint straight line ?
( like C key for the default knife) .
or even something to snap in middle (or parallel) of edge like snap utilities line

Nope. But i will do it. Looks like people are interested in my tool so no reason to not improve it.


ok thanks I’ll wait for it :wink:

Nice. What I dislike most about Knife is that if you accidentally cancel the operation, you lose all the many cuts you made. And you’re tempted to do many cuts at once so that you don’t need to re-activate the tool…

What’s crucial for me though is the ability to cut (multiple) edges in half using the CTRL key. Is that possible with Half Knife too?

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What’s crucial for me though is the ability to cut (multiple) edges in half using the CTRL key. Is that possible with Half Knife too?

I have an idea how to do this, but without preview. So you will see staight line in the preview and you will get cutted in a half edges.

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Sounds fine, I don’t need a preview as long as it works as intended. :slight_smile:

Played around with it and I have to say it’s quite fun to use. For me it sometimes replaces Knife and sometimes machinetools’ Smart Edge for connecting verts. Also as a tip if you want to keep Knife at K: I put Half Knife on C (as in Cut). You can still use C to Circle Select if you set that to Click Drag and Half Knife to Click.

Half Knife doesn’t seem to like triangles though, trying to start a cut from the inside of a triangle always produces this error:

Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\super\Desktop\blender-2.82a-windows64\2.82\scripts\addons\half_knife\__init__.py", line 261, in invoke
    vert = self.addVert(context, event)
  File "C:\Users\super\Desktop\blender-2.82a-windows64\2.82\scripts\addons\half_knife\__init__.py", line 104, in addVert
ReferenceError: BMesh data of type BMVert has been removed

location: <unknown location>:-1

Half Knife doesn’t seem to like triangles though, trying to start a cut from the inside of a triangle always produces this error:

Thanks for the report. Will be fixed in the next release. Also when start cut from an ngon you should get more than 2 edges going to the starting vertex. It’s a same bug.


Great. Finally someone has simplified that annoying Knife tool. Thank you very much @Artem_Poletsky. 10 out of 5 points :wink:
It runs perfectly on Ubuntu with 2.81a. If you (like me) don’t want to see the “viewport Gizmos” (Ctrl + `) you have to disable “Navigate” but “active object” and “active tools” have to be on.

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@Artem_Poletsky can I ask you to switch the cursor to the crosshair version, or can you at least tell me where I can switch it in the .py?