Her Majesty's Zeppelins

WOW … Amazing

4 days to render, your patience is godlike :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d rather said, that my gpu is far from top, heh :slight_smile: 4 days to render some layers (ships for example) - paste into compose - see that something isn’t right - tweak - then render again and so on.

WOW this is so cool I want to just leap with Joy. Keep it up man!!

Posted quick tip about viewport acceleration in the blog. Check it out! :slight_smile:

Thanks I will!! I think your models and art work are amazing dude. And thanks for the help you give on your blog!

very impressive, congratulations on this!

Very nice work!! Honestly an inspiration!


wauw… and just picked up my jaw from the floor :wink:

Teach me, master. This is amazing!

Hope to see a movie from your picture!

Such a magnificent piece of work Spelle. Why does this futuristic yet antique style appeal to so many of us. I really hope to be able to model something like this one day!!!

Very cool, the artwork it’s self in adventure is exploring it’s telling a story. Well done

it’s more about patience and having the sketch (and references) nearby.

Very impressive

Glad I came to this forum…a lot of really impressive role models here. Thanks for giving me something crazy to shoot for.

Posted short vid about making of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJvZfv5JtPA

2.70 splash screen? still a ways out yet, but…

Really great work

This is right at the very top of the most incredible renders I’ve ever seen. The detail, textures, lighting, mood, all of it is jaw-dropping! I’m in awe, and I want a huge poster of this … printed at 2400dpi (yeah, after the 400 years it’ll take to render at that resolution, right? ;))