How to convert curves to hair?


I have a 3D hair model (generated by a machine learning algorithm from a portrait photo) comopsed of vertices and edges (that make up the individual hair strands, see image in the reply below), and I’d like to “convert” this into something that is renderable (e.g. in the Unity engine).

I tried using Blender to convert the edges and vertices into curves (Object Mode > Object > Convert > Curve), then using Data > Geometry > Extrude to “inflate” each hair strand into a cylinder. However, this seems to generate way too many polygons and produces a huge model, making rendering impractical.

After a bit more research it seems that Blender has a “hair particle” system that is made specifically for rendering hair. Is it possible to automatically convert the curves in my model to hair particles? How can I convert/export my model as something that can be rendered efficiently in Unity?

I found some links on the forum hinting at such a possibility (1, 2), but none of them offered a clear solution that I could understand.

I apologize for these vague questions. I specialize in machine learning and has little 3D modeling / graphics knowledge. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

(I am a new user so I’m restricted to two links per post)

This is what my 3D model looks like in Edit Mode:

And here is the Blender file of the model for your convenience: Google drive link

Hello and welcome,

there is an addon named ‘hair tool’ which is able to convert curves to particle hair and vice versa. Not sure if the latest version supports the new hair curve system tho.

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There is also this (but it uses a mesh… so you may have to convert it ??)