Image zoom has problems

Whenever I click on one image in a series in a post, I can only enlarge the image I clicked on. If I use arrows (keys or icons) to flip between images, I cannot enlarge any of the others without first shutting down the images and reopening on the one I want to enlarge. Is it me, or is there a bug?

It’s not the only you. Same happens to me (just have checked out that one). Seems like it’s a bug.

Also, I’ve just checked that through the element inspector tool in Google Chrome and noticed that when you click LMB on the second image to zoom-in, it still changes the DIV classes only for the first one, means when try to zoom-in the second/third/fourth and so on image the real one that zooming-in is still the first image.

@bartv, think we can report about this one to the Discourse development team.

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Which browser do you use? I just tried in Brave/Linux and it works as expected for me.

Google Chrome 117

Same goes out to Edge.

Can you provide some links to topics with this problem? When did this issue start? Asking because I haven’t made any updates recently.

Just open any thread which has more than one image and you’re good to go.

Like [this] one for example.

And then what? The arrow keys work in enlarged mode and using the triggers to the left and right aswell.

Windows 11 Opera and Vivaldi

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Yeah it happens on Firefox with me.

Steps to repeat:

Open an image
Click to enlarge (where possible)
Move to next image
Click to enlarge doesn’t work unless you close the slider, and click it again.

I’m not talking about left/right keys, they’re work fine as they should. I’m talking about zoom-in/out function. Just open one of those images in pop-up and click LMB on it to zoom-in. The first image works fine while the second one is not.

Yeah thanks Goorman, just wanted to correct my post, got it wrong. Same here.

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It’s okay, my bad I didn’t provide the steps to reproduce that problem (though I’ve learned that as a separate subject back in the university days :stuck_out_tongue: )

same on win 11, chrome 118 (they just rolled out another update, while i still had 117 pending … lol)

i will have to admit, today i learned that left clicking enlarged more than just hovering. :smiley:

It wasnt that the steps were so complicated. I got “enlarged” as simply opened.

@KDLynch :Yeah same here for chrome.

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Nothing we can do about it except wait for Discourse to make an update :slight_smile:

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Not that much of a problem. Just someone should let them know.

Win 11, Firefox. It has been like that for a while. Same on my old laptop, Win 8, Firefox / Brave. I assumed itvwas being fixed, but then I assumed that I assumed wrong.

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When I try Chrome’s latest release…and I enlarge the first image and then go to the next they are all enlarged to maximum size…only the first is able to resize back down to the smaller size…
No big deal for me…I’m fine with just being able to view the larger size…

I see what you mean. We’re a few versions behind, so I should first do an update and then we can test again to see if the issue remains. Right now I don’t have time to do the update though, it may take a few weeks before I get to it.

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Hmm… no problem for me…

…with vivaldi 6.2.3105 on linux clicking any image magnifies it to (almost) full screen and andadditional click to the 1:1 size (for details)… expect the ones which are smaller than the screen :wink:
…just also tested this randomly on Tiger Lily 3D (only the first two are big…)

( …or i didn’t undertsood the problem… )