I've seen star wars III (no Spoiler)

haha your a movie puff,

anywho cant wait to see this, i’m going wednesday! whoohoo :o[/quote]

Ah, okay, I admit: I some movies cause puffnes in me but generally I am a buff. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, director is responsible on the overall looks of the film: he decides what takes are good enough to be cut in the final film, even tough he wouldn’t make the final edit.

He plans out all the camera angles, aproves the special efect scenes, pushes the actors in to ther limits in their acting abilities and so on.

It’s a know fact, that if a director doesn’t know what he’s doing everything will go terribly wrong. Like Ed Wood movies, which are so bad that they are hilarious and more entertaingin than most comedies.
Ed only made a one shoot whit every scene and used it, no matter how badly it went. [/quote]

Like Ed Wood movies, which are so bad that they are hilarious and more entertaingin than most comedies.
Ed only made a one shoot whit every scene and used it, no matter how badly it went.

That reminds me of The Usual Suspects. At some point, there’s a criminal line up, at some point, the second one in the line has to read a sentence from paper. The actor improvised so hillariously, that no matter how many times they tried, they couldn’t get the scene right, because everyone would start laughing. In the end, they just used the “bloopers” in the final cut, but it doesn’t look like a blooper at all, it looked hilarious :smiley:

Wow, I just saw this movie today, and I have to say, it was GREAT. It was infinitely better than I or II, and I would say it could be compared(not equal, just comparable) with episode V. :slight_smile:

On the other hand, there were a few parts I did find rather unbelievable. (Sorry, no spoilers.) :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, I forgot about this thread…

I think you hit probable reasons on all three. From all the documentary stuff I’ve seen, it sounded as though there was very little time to get Neeson and McGregor trained for the fight style. That probably had a large part to do with its complexity. Safety is also a huge concern. Although I do know that several people received broken fingers from mis-hits (I’ve taken a few hits myself from wooden swords and it’s not pleasant), the fact that lightsabres have no hilts makes the fighting a bit more dangerous. Even aluminum can be dangerous, despite its light weight.

The “look good” question is something I’ve been pondering about recently, since I’ve been involved in creating some authentic broadsword choreography. Ever seen the movie Ivanhoe? It’s the essence of authenticity: wallop the other dude as hard as you can, and whoever makes the first slip loses a limb, period. Kill or be killed instantly. To me, that’s not pretty, it’s just violent. Brute strength. But to the choreographer I’m working with, there’s something attractive about it, some bravado, maybe something in the danger displayed (we’re kind of at odds about it because of that). I’d be very interested to hear people’s thoughts on that issue - PM or maybe a poll. What makes a fight interesting or exciting? Fancy moves? Near-death strikes? Incredible danger? Like I said, I don’t want to hijack this thread more than I have already, but if anybody cares to PM me their thoughts I would appreciate it.

Your last comment about the lightsabres looking like rods strikes a nerve for me. I did a little digging in the SW Archives a while back and learned that lightsabre blades are supposed to be composed of superheated matter, and are somehow weightless. This actually affects its handling more than you might think - it leaves the centre of balance in the middle of your palm, making any swinging motions entirely contained within your wrist, not kept up by any endloaded momentum at all. Try swinging around a paper-towel tube and you’ll understand what I mean. It’s weightless. When you watch the movies, it’s perfectly obvious that they’re fighting with a blade that certainly has weight, and they’re taking full advantage of it. Kinda ticks me off a little - they’re not even sticking to their own story! :slight_smile:

Nevertheless I am looking forward to it. The positive reviews I’m seeing here and hearing from my friends is bolstering my hopefulness a little…

Why do I always write mini-novels on this topic??..

yer just went and saw it,

but I’m certain Padme changed clothes in the scene at the Volcano/Lava thingie. Firstly she came out with no trousers on (She had a brown top/skirt combo), but then at the end of the scene when she gets up off the floor she has trousers on!

I’ve seen it twice. I know it’s just coincidencem, but look at Padme’s necklace. Suzanne in silver.


Yeah, she did change clothes in that scene, … ads to my theory that C-3p0 was bangin padme… hahahaha 3p0 was the true Sith Master! and it was all an elaborate plan cooked up with the help of his apprentice Lord R2D2!

That still doesn’t explain where she got the pants from…

hahahaha 3p0 was the true Sith Master! and it was all an elaborate plan cooked up with the help of his apprentice Lord R2D2!

I think R4 is a better apprentice; he’s red…

Was it just me, or was Palpatine having way too much fun during the skirmishes when he was being rescued? He had this gleefully goofy look on his face!

saw it twice now…

Yoda do say at least 2 sentence in a normal way

“use your feeling obiwan” (first part of the sentence not inversed, the sentence end with “and find him you will”)

and also

“or should I call you Darth Sidius”

and yea…Padme did seem to have put pants on in that scene! (dammit…I thought she had somekind of mini-skirt…:frowning: )

hey, I liked it!
It had it’s “moments” I suppose, don’t want to spoil anything there, but I didn’t feel like stabbing myself in the eyes when I left! huge improvement over 1 and 2…
I dare say I liked it more than Jedi even… and am I wrong, but do I detect a certain political subtext? naah, must be imagining things…

I didn’t think it was that great. Better than Episode I and II, for sure, but thats not saying all that much. Worth seeing, at least.

I wrote a small review here for those that are interested.

Yeah I was thinking the same thing about the polictical stuff in the movie, would be interesting to disect that movie from that perspective

This is a near spoiler… Ever since episode 2 I have a strong feeling who you mean, but I don’t want to know for certain yet. I’ll be seeing it tonight.

I thought that was pretty obvious from the beggining?

Now that I’ve seen Ep 1 again, I’d have to agree, but when I saw it for the first time, I didn’t notice. Perhaps that was also due to the fact that I hadn’t seen 4, 5 and 6 for a “longo time”…

But who knows, maybe it’s Padme :slight_smile:

Yeah sometimes I forget not everybody watches the Starwars series atleast twice a year

qwed and slikdigit: It DOES seem like it has political subtexts in there, but it really doesn’t. The whole “absolute power corrupts absolutely” thing is an intrinsic part of human nature, and a recurring theme in history. The movie was NOT taking a stab (or poke, rather), at current political events or people. Instead, it was playing off timeless flaws in human nature, and people’s natural behavior. To think in such a narrow context is just ridiculous, and silly.

BTW, it was quite obvious from the very beginning that palpatine was Lord Sideous. I mean, seriously, he looks JUST LIKE HIM! :stuck_out_tongue:

I wouldnt say it’s ridiculous and silly, art imitates life all the time, your probably right that its not true in this case but it’s always possible.

and It’s kind of a funny thought replacing Vader with George W. and the Emperor with good old Dick Cheney. I could see Lord W leading his storm troopers across the galaxy/earth trying to conquer, and push there own views christianity/democracy/the darkside on the rest of the galaxy/earth, not quite sure who Obiwan would be, but I’m pretty sure the United Nations would be the jedi console, and Congress would be the repulic senate?

Someone should make a spoof movie of this

I’ve just returned from the theatre. Well, interesting, to say the least. The swordfights in the beginning seemed rather ill-performed, but later it looked well enough, although there were those obvious pauses in which a kill could have been made. But the swords fights are not the movie, so it’s permissible. Now on to watching 4, 5 and 6 8)

Perhaps there should be a topic about the movie itself as well, there are probably a lot of people with stuff on their minds, like me :slight_smile:

BTW, it was quite obvious from the very beginning that BLABLABLA was Lord Sideous. I mean, seriously, he looks JUST LIKE HIM!

That text is visible in reply-mode… At least, when it’s in the even-numbered squares…

But with the shroud, it wasn’t all that clear. Yoda suspected it, in the beginning of Ep 2. Look for it, or listen to the DVD audio commentary.