I like new looking. Thank you!
Found one thing, if you in local view and use “Get & Set Edit mode” on empty space, but there is geometry hidden by local view, it still selecting that geometry (seen in outliner).
I like new looking. Thank you!
Found one thing, if you in local view and use “Get & Set Edit mode” on empty space, but there is geometry hidden by local view, it still selecting that geometry (seen in outliner).
just dropping by to say I really appreciate this add-on. I use the “cursor fit and align” in every project. Keep up the good work with this add-on and lets hope some of your scripts get a spot on the main branch one day.
Thanks! Reg. the main branch, any one working on the cursor bits are welcome to implement a variant ofc. I don’t follow all the main developments very deeply so I don’t even know if something like this is in the pipe already or not.
APEC: Ah, I can prob check for that.
v1.374 is out, just a couple of minor bugfixes.
Any plans for saving cursor rot&pos like workplanes in modo?
Similar to this
No, not really. Out of curiosity, what would be a use-case scenario?
For example, I have an object with dif position and rotation of origin and I set cursor for adding some detail “A”, then I realign cursor for other part of mesh and add/manipulate with elements “B”, and then I realize that I need to reposition detail “A” with saved rotation angles from first cursor pos&rot.
In this case I need to find that first element which was for aligning cursor…
ah, sure. I figured it would be for something likte that. like radial arrays that you cold store positions for and such. it would be pretty easy to implement, so I’ll squeeze it in at some point ,)
Also its good to have like this, with saved locations for cursor.
The simplest solution =)
found one missing option in ke_mouse_mirror.py
that cause crashing if trying to undo operation in Object mode.
Just add undo to
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
Yeah I did notice that. I supressed it for edit mode, as most redo-panel items will just cause garbage, so I skipped it. Most things wont work in redo, but I did not have a method to supress them at the time, so the hack stayed in. whoops. looking into it. EDIT: Sorted.
v1.375 hotfix is up.
Wow that s great!
have a question - is it possible to use initial mouse position for creating objects through pie menu?) https://media.giphy.com/media/i6S1v0HYtpn2hE9XtW/giphy.gif
Thanks! Kind of: I can set an offset to make an approximation for each. it would be correct (enough) for most cases. I’ll add it to the list.
@Kiellog, can you check Unrotator please?
I was trying it today when noticed a bug - it doesn’t unrotate properly (v.1.375, Blender 2.9). In Blender 2.8 all works fine:
It works for me as earlier…on 1.373…
1.375 have a bug, can confirm.
Ah, yes seems i messed up copying over some stuff. Will be fixed in the next release, shortly.
EDIT: its up on gumroad. lemme know!
Now it’s fine! Thanks
Thank you for fast fix! Unrotator works fine!
Update: When using the FitPrim pie menu, the placements are now offset so they are (close enough) to the point you clicked to open the pie menu
Cool addition!
It seems like I’ve found another bug (sorry… ).
“Align Objects to Cursor” behaves the same way like the previous bug.