keKit for Blender (2.8+)

nah, id probably just remove that feature, since there is the other op that does that.
It might be a while until the next update (not bothering with just this ;> )

But, if you dont want to wait you can edit and comment out line 46, with a hashtag like this:
# set_active_collection(context, sel_objects[-1])

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I did a test in 3.1 and it’s not working. when I use vptools in local mode they go back to global mode orientation if I try to lock them on one axis (using middle mouse button)

  • also when update the addon I usually don’t uninstall the old version and install the new one I just override the kekit folder in the script folder so I don’t loos the preferences. is this correct?


  • Strange. Might be related to 3.1? will be tested when released. Should be coming out soon.

edit: I did find something strange, but only for the default tool, using MMB when in local it temporarily goes to global. And only when using handles. I’ll add this to the list.

  • Install process, yes.

If this is what you are experiencing , it may be a Blender bug. Not much I can do about it.

if this is still happening in 3.1 someone should definitely file a bug report…

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@Kiellog hi! thanks for all updates!
wanna ask - is it possible to create tool for selecting loops limited by marked edges?

hey. thx!
hmm, well it is possible, but seems like such an edge case (pun not intended). in this case I´d pick shortest path ( or step increase select, there are many simple selection options) . I dont see the need.

Yep it’s just an example for now shortest path only possible option(or tricky ‘hiding already marked around’ islands) it’s useful for unwrapping like headus uv has…but i thinked more and it also needs direction for prolongation because marking not always happens between existing seams but sometime it just needs selected edge to marked edge intersection selection…
as for examples:

shortest path in such case needs to be sure about correct last edge

edit: TLDR (my text that i edited out)
I see that long loop selections may not be 1 to 1 with shortest path, but it’s not been a problem for me = i don’t want to make a script… or maybe, at some point. not now :wink:

tip: try the “topology distance” checkbox in pick shortest path.


While modeling on a large scene and with many objects shown as bouding box I thought whether it would be possible to do an option that would only select objects visible as bouding box?

A single fire script would be easy enough, (run script → all such objects are selected). EDIT: Done.

Why KeKit is missing on Booleans Scripts/utilities for edit mode and object mode both ? Amongst quick pivots, toggles, subds and materials, Boolean workflow util are important too. I hope Kiellog will think about them too.:pray::+1:

thanks - yes that’s what I experience although I don’t use the handle.

I had the same problem in the old version of the addon but you solved the problem, now it’s back

I will see if I can report it as a bug

I’m sorry if it was asked already, but I could not find it through search.
What can make QuickMeasure button inactive? QuickMeasure and QMFreeze buttons are both grayed out for me.

The only thing I can think of is that you somehow are trying to use it in a custom non-view3d context.
OR, a completely empty scene (no mesh objects)

Thank You for update.
Whan i select Textured Objects with one excluded from View Layer collection off i have this error:
Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\radi0n\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\kekit\", line 36, in execute
RuntimeError: Error: Object 'Human180cm TPose' can't be selected because it is not in View Layer 'ViewLayer'!

location: <unknown location>:-1

if I want to select an object eg “Bounds” and some “bounds” object is in hidden collection it shows this error.

objects not in the view layer cant be selected. the default here is to do nothing (removing the error msg ofc) - hiding the collection is a way to exclude objects from these types of operation (selection)
Will fix ( ofc should not try to select hidden objects - whoops).
Edit: Fixed

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Would it be possible to add an option to select objects only in the active collection?
Also can You make more snapping and orientation and pivot combos and “add to selection” feature in Mouse Side of Active?

Would it be Possible to Integrate Boolean Pie menus too ? :pray::eyes:

When it comes to ‘boolean workflow’ tools: I will not be making any.
There are already a whole bunch (and I mean A LOT) of boolean workflow add-ons with pie menus.
basic example: (more links at the end, but you should probably be able to google this)
I may do some very specific use cases at some point, but I mostly go with the old subd workflow anyways.


Hi, Thanks for replying. I wonder if you can make a utility script (useful fro subd workflow) which is when we boolean Cut a shape onto bas emesh, it automatically creates a boundry edge around that cut on the bas e mesh which can be done manually like this -
First DO a boolen Cut operation
then copy cutter and scale it / offset it
do boolean slice operation on base mesh.
and then join base mesh and sliced mesh.
so evytime we do a boolean cut on subd mesh, we also get offset boundry loop along the cut which we traditionally have to do using knife tool always.