KIT OPS 2 Now Shipping

Hi Chipp,
Thanks for your response. Is it ok that I send you the information here?

Right now, I reset blender to factory setting. The problem seems disappear (not sure if this will solve the problem completely)

My specific information:

  1. I use custom key configuration ( I automatically select object by box select all the time and deselect by box select at any empty space, it’s basically similar to MAYA selection style.)

  2. My OS is OS X El capitan 10.11.6 ( my gpu is AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4096 MB )

  3. Sometimes, when I’m operating KIT OPS with several inserts and then deselect everything(or only the target object is selected), it’s working fine. However, as soon as I select one of the inserts that i’m working on, the problem occurs ( it’s not that blender is freezing. It feels like every action in blender is a 1-2 seconds delay)

Deselect the inserts again, everything’s back to normal.

  1. One time, I ran into this (please see the picture) It happened after I undo the operation before I place the insert into the 3D space.


Spike (79.7 KB)

hi chippwalters,

had exactly the same problem the day before yesterday, on my windows based system.

And there are two equal files over at my blender market account too, as described by spikessss.
Could it be that the 2nd file should contain the announced free tech kpack file?



Hi Spike,
I’ve forwarded your console data to our programmer and he should be getting back in touch with you.

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Hi Peter,

There should only be only one .zip file. The inserts are part of it. I’ll check it out. Thanks to both of you for the heads up.

Thanks for the info. I really enjoy working with Kit Ops, pretty nice and handy tool!

Thanks for the fantastic add-on! We bought a license for our studio yesterday and it’s fun to play around with.

I do have a couple of questions though:

  1. When adding some “Cutters complex” objects, Blender starts to noticeably struggle “stamping” at around 3-5 objects (especially ones like “Circular pipin”), and at like 6-7, it becomes almost impossible to work with. Once I stamp an object, it’s fine, but Blender’s really laggy when trying to place a part.
    Is this pretty much a normal experience? Computer’s not at all sluggish, using i7-6700 and GTX 1080.
  2. I tried adding objects to Suzanne, and I’m having issues with the parts creating holes instead of geometry that’s cut into.
    For instance, here’s an “Arch brickwall” placed on Suzanne:
    Not sure if you can tell by a single image, but here’s me rotating the model to show the issue:
    I put a little gray Suzanne inside just so it’s clear.
    As a comparison, the same cutter works as expected on a cube:

I am not sure, but it could be a problem that Suzanne is not a closed mesh. You couldn’t for example use booleans on a plane.

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The design below is a bit crappy, but it’s an experiment. Ported over some of my plugs for Meshmachine to KIT OPS. The big challenge was getting the normals right. (Ngons - normal artefact when using smoot shading). A suggestion was to keep the angle for autosmooth low, but then you won’t get smooth bevels. Here below you see quite some Booleans (knobs for example). The bevels are smooth, and the ngons doesn’t show artifacts. Guess how I did that.

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Is there a way to confirm you have the bonus inserts
In the tutorial video, at 50 seconds it shows a catalog option of bonus pack, but mine does not show that as an option, and the video definitely had insets that I do not have

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Try applying the INSERT, then add a new one. In my workflow, the large inserts are a ‘last’ option when building using KIT OPS. I first start by blocking out the form using the simple cutters, then I refine the shape with medium cutters and only when I am happy, I add the more complex tertiary details.

Also, at any time you can turn off the display of the existing cutters by pressing the M button. You can continue to add INSERTS in this mode as well and they will display just fine. Just toggle the M button and you will see all the cutters applied.

Hope this helps clear up some issues. :slight_smile:

Hi Peetie,

That looks very nice. If you’re having problems with normals, you can also try applying the INSERTS (after you’re happy with the placement) and manually sharpen / unsharpen edges to get the exact smoothing you’re looking for. I hope to post a tutorial on that soon.

Hi Tim,

We just uploaded the BONUS KPACK to both Gumroad and Blender Market. You should receive an email shortly about it. Thanks!


Got it. So in other words, it’s expected behavior of working with booleans using complex objects.

Guessing the answer to my second issue (with the cutter object putting a hole through Suzanne instead of filling in appropriate faces) is there’s nothing you can do? I’m guessing here we’re just at the mercy of Blender’s handling of these boolean operations.

Exactly right.

I didn’t come to do that yet. Good tip. Though if I can keep the nondestructive worklow: What I did instead was using the Normal weight modifier. There is a build here somewhere something like 2.79 Normal weight build. As far as I experience, is that I can have a non-destructive workflow. In hardops there is an option : Ctrl+~ under tab: Misc > Nondestructive. This mode is amazing.

Got it, that’s unfortunate. Hope Blender steps up its boolean modifier, as it’s a bit wonky at times.

I suppose if you have a clean mesh:

  • closed mesh
  • No intersecting faces
  • no faces inside object ( forgot the name of it)
  • No doubles
  • etc, that kind of stuff.
    etc. i think in 98% it will be alright. with carve or bmesh

Yeah, clean, closed geometry seems best for boolean operations (you were right about the note about Suzanne having the problem because it wasn’t closed). But even then it’s a bit wonky, like the difference geometry could “flicker” on at different points.

If you’re interested in the absolute perfect solution for Suzanne, then apply your INSERTS and use mesh machine to clean up and transfer the normals to the curved surface object (or do it by hand). You’ll need to ask questions about that process in a different forum :wink: