List of addons that work with 2.8

Some format fixes, removed KTX RenderSlot from free list as it was already on the built-in list.
Added KIT OPS to paid ones.

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Archimesh works, i was looking for this tool, so glad i found it., blender is so bad ass now

Can please someone update this retopo_mt?

I really hope Carver MT and Add Advanced Objects will be 2.8 ready soon. I used those add-ons a lot in Blender 2.79, but I’ve completely shifted to 2.8 for a few months now.

@Pixivore and @Meta-Androcto , please make us happy with 2.8 update news. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

Added Qblocker, free addons, but you can also pay.
Very nice addon for making primitives very fast


Added Turnaround Camera and Mesh Extra Objects to built-in plugins list
Added Extrainfo to free list and Bookmarker to paid ones.


The Qblocker addon doesn’t work for me, I only get an error message. Am I not using this correctly?

EDIT: The creator of Qblocker ( Balázs Szeleczki; [email protected] ) helped me immediately to solve my issue with the addon and get it working. His addon is really great, and for those that haven’t, you should check it out. It’s awesome for speedy box-modelling!


@ Qblocker guy (or sameon can contact him) , please read this:


Added free addon:
( Handy if you are better in audio-editing than animation. )

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Easy HDRI addon 1.0.1 for Blender 2.80


qblocker in edit mode would be cool.

I’d love to see more grid plus midpoint (and midpoints again) increment type stuff, I love how you can count the segments too incase you set the grid scale to not 1.
the knife tool or bisect tool in conjunction with qblocker could be useful.

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Added 2D Boolean Union, basic boolean of intersecting planes.

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Will be BSurfaces updated to 2.8?

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Advanced Cones is now updated for 2.80

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@anon27868450 and @P4prik4 , the QBlocker add-on developer can be easily contacted via his Twitter. He’s welcoming suggestions.


my biggest suggestion, would be to get in touch with the guys of blender who are planning for the next “code quest” just a better system of snapping and precision modeling … could enter the working group and act on the study and development on the blender code…
I’m hopeful that a great job would come out of it …


Thanks to [Spivak Vladimir (cwolf3d) for porting add mesh extra objects and breaking out Geodesic Domes.
Geodesic Domes has been removed from extra objects and is now a stand alone addon in nightly builds again.
How cool is that!


Photographer add-on (free) has been ported to 2.8: Photographer - Camera Exposure, White balance and Autofocus

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Hey @Meta-Androcto I see that you are the maintainer of the Edit Tools 2 addon. Do you have any plans to update it for b2.8? Because I was thinink that maybe we should extract the select tool from there into a separate package. I don’t know how relevant are these edit tools nowadays, but the selection tools might be. I am asking this because I wrote a “select overlapping” Select overlapping geometry tool for b2.8 and I was thinking to add it to the select tools plugin if that makes sense…
What do you think?

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Please ! Can someone update this addon ? Export Multiple Obj’s
It’s a very useful batch obj exporter.