List of addons that work with 2.8

Dynamic Slice and Cap was added to Paid Add-ons list.

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(AStats) Can you please make the On/Off button completely pause the addon from calculating amount of polygons? When I select a HP object, blender becomes incredibly slow because the addon is calculating a huge amount of objects. The On/Off button doesn’t actually turn off the calculation, it just hides the text display from the viewport.

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Strange. I just tested and when turning OFF Selection Stats I recovered performance. When toggling Global Stats there’s no difference I could spot, 48fps on my system for 6 million polys in either state.
I will have a look at it.

EDIT: I added some additional checks so test now if performance improves!

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Not global stats but personal stats for selected objects. It comes to a slowdown calculation high polys even with the setting at the top right off

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Sadly, that’s not possible. There’s a workaround though: you need to create a new Blender scene inside your .blend file and in that scene you animate your Text object as you please. Then you place that scene’s active camera facing your text. And then you go back to the scene where you have your VSE and go to add a new scene sequence, and choose your scene that has the animated text.
I hope I’ve been of help :slight_smile:


I made a procedural rock modifier stack as a blend file, I’m not sure if it’s apt for inclusion. In the video you can see that I set up a few custom settings so it’s very easy to create variations.


Noter was added

Noter is an add-on created to increase productivity in Blender by organizing the workflow.


i’m french beginner and i would to thank you for this addon tool. I was watched on the website It’s excellent that you realise. I’m suscribing to your channel and sicover others videos to help me in animations that i want realize.

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“To be deleted, post must be at least 20 characters”
Hmm what happened to this topic with 250k views? that’s quite a big topic that went south it seems

I guess New Media Supply is done with BA. That’s too bad, they always had useful posts.

Ah yes, they sold their platform to blenderKit i’ve heard

Some users are just… IDK… and change their older posts just before they want their accounts to be go into anonymisation… (because BA don’t delete…)


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I think in this particular case the first post should be reverted and maybe converted to a wiki so it can continue to be updated if someone wanted to take it up.

I think its already a wiki

Oh you’re right. I put the body back but it doesn’t let me edit the title.

What was the title ?