List of addons that work with 2.8

I’ve updated VSE_Transform_Tools and Bizualizer today, more tomorrow.


NodeSet Pro from Michel Anders has been updated for 2.80, available via Blendermarket :slight_smile:
( 20181202 initial 2.80

Could someone please point me to the right version of **sverchok**that works with 2.8?

Subsimport (for importing .srt files into blender’s VSE) has been updated for Blender 2.8

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Did you check the link in the first post? That should lead to :
“This branch aims to get sverchok loading in Blender 2.80. Each node has been modified to account for changes to the new API. Most modifications to existing nodes are superficial, but you will encounter a few new nodes that are complete rewrites. Mostly the behaviour should be the same, our work process hasn’t changed.”

@doakey3 @ByteC Many thanks I added:
VSE_Transform_Tools, EdgeFlow, Bizualizer, NodeSet Pro, Subsimport
to the list in the first post.

Yes! The trick was to unzip the file and copy to the addons folder!

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I think rigify is working too in 2.8

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Looking forward for Offset Edges. Must have addon.


@anon72338821 I just noticed this topic - very useful! If you want, I can change it to a ‘wiki’ page so everyone can edit it?

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Hi Bart,

Thats a good idea. It starts to be a day task for me otherwise. Go ahead if you want with that.

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Done! Anyone can now edit the original post. Remember that you can access a post’s history on the top right (this is true for any post, not just wiki’s):


It would be a good idea to add some instructions at the top of your post to tell people how to use this or share your guideline for editing.

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  • UV Packmaster
  • Curves To Mesh

Is there any hope for BoolTool or Offset Edges?


Format fixes, missing Free/Paid info, added EEVEE Toon and some Build in addons.

Maybe F2 could be removed from the list as now it’s build in?

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Cloth FX was updated to Blender 2.8. Already using it and looks good!


updated last night, works pretty well. Tesselator Quad-Remesher

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@CrazyHairGuy , Thanks.
I believe everyone can now edit the top post since this thread is transformed to a wiki.
Not sure how that works exactly though. (you can access a post’s history on the top right ).
But I will put it in the first post for now.

Would you also want to pin this thread so it’s easier to find? Thanks :smile: