Malenia vs. Diana: Intro WIP (feedback appreciated)

I decided to revisit my abandoned Wonder Woman vs. Secret Boss project, this time with a major difference: I’ll be releasing the thing as a series of “episodes” to avoid burnout or losing interest.

Right now I have the opening 20 seconds of a potentially 1-minute intro episode, and so far it looks…okay. Something feels off, but I can’t put my finger on it. Part of me thinks the first shot could’ve used some motion blur, but I’m not 100% sure that’s the problem.

Anyway, as the topic title suggests, feedback is greatly appreciated! :slightly_smiling_face:


Well the whole thing as a scene looks nice, damn that’s a lot of work!
I guess visually the materials somehow have a plastic-y finish to it, which makes the moonlight look way too bright on the left side a rather than a gradual spread across the scene (Given it’s a massive source of light, it would be diffused evenly rather than like a spotlight, I think :rofl:)
And then I guess the middle windows are slightly obvious that it’s an image used xD I guess make it more emissive and transmissive? Not sure really
And this scene would look absolutely epic with some fog/mist thickening as it goes above, in my opinion :sweat_smile:
All in all it looks good and the character is super cool! :smiley:

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