Eventually the idea is that we will be replacing the models in MB-Lab, as well as the morphs, with new models and morphs that will be licensed as CC-BY. It will be a while before that happens because we are at the very beginning stages of trying to figure out the JSON library code, as well as developing tools to export to JSON in the format that MB-Lab reads. It’s not easy reverse engineering this thing.
At that point when the model and morph library are replaced, MB-Lab would be like how it was in version 1.6.1 in licensing terms, the only difference is that the AGPL3 will be dropped in favor of the CC-BY entirely.
Just had an idea, maybe the characters library can add some characters Classified by country, and maybe we can generate random characters face from different country, the average face just like it is as http://humanphenotypes.net/map/map.html ,
Well it can kind of do that already actually.
The phenotypes are simply just JSON files, as seen below.
I didn’t notice it, it’s wonderful!
I’ve rewritten and renamed Rigify for MB-Lab [Addon for an Addon].
There are still issues with backwards bending knees in some poses/animations with pole_vector = 0.
A proper layout for different bones (muscle, helper, MCH, etc.) to Rigify layers is a mission feature for now.
Please report bugs only in the Rigify for MB-Lab thread or on github (https://github.com/danielenger/Rigify-for-MB-Lab).
How I can install this?
Pls say more about it!
I am assuming you are talking about the Mixamo to MB-Lab script?
All you need to do is open the script in Blender’s script editor, it has instructions on how to use it but I will add them here just for others to see.
- Go to mixamo.com, choose a file, export as DAE without skin
- Open Blender, import the .dae file, make sure that Fix Leaves Bones and Auto Connect are turned on (ticked)
- In Blender, open the text editor (shift + F11), then click on open
- Navigate to this script, select it, if you cant find it, make sure that Enable filtering of files is turned off, then click on Open text box
- With the imported armature selected, click on run script
- Finally, export your armature to .bvh
I hope I do it right, but with run script Blender give an error
And if I continue with export this into bvh and load animation in MBlab, I get something like that
Animation quality looks like a typical bvh from library, what loaded in MBlab…
Hi, I recently discovered your addon, as I am currently looking for Makehuman alternatives. Thank you for your efforts continuing development for this addon!
I have a question: how do I change the height of the character? If I activate Body Measures, there is no way to set this measure. On your documentation page, there is a picture where the height is measure number 33, but I can’t find an input for this. Although height must be one of the most important body characteristics.
Thank you for the words of encouragement
You were in the right spot though, pretty close. You need to be in the “Body Measures”, to change the height you need to go to the “Body Size” , it is at default 0.5. I also enabled the “Body Meausres” check button and “Inch” to show the changes in height (this is for us USA users since the rest of the world uses the metric system)
Changing the value from 0.5 to 0.9 in this example changes the height from 5 foot 6 in, to 7 feet.
I don’t know where the “morph” JSON file of this is to change the name from “Body” to “Height”, at least not yet, hope this helps??
Note : when changing the height you will notice the rest of the measures change as well, this is part of the algorithms used by MB-Lab to keep the body proportionate.
I’m not a coder but would like to support this project. Is there some way I can make a donation?
Yes! Thank you, that’s what I was looking for. I was looking for the word “height”, didn’t look under “body”.
Another question: is there any place where I can find some pre-made clothes that work with MB-Lab?
This is a small repo of some clothes that were added to MB-Lab 1.7.1 but removed for space saving reasons. They originated at MakeHuman and were scaled to MB-Lab character dimensions.
Are there instructions on how to load the clothing? I downloaded the zip but wasn’t sure what to do with it after that.
I think if you are going to yoink those Make Human clothes, you need to include the licenses with each one, inside your posted .BLEND files.
For instance human_female_Harvey_pantsbootsv1 is a CC-BY asset which mean you need to credit callharvey3D.
Or at least put a blurb in the GitHub readme, that these are already licensed?
Some are CC0, such as Joel’s posted clothing. These different licensing are the reason why the Make Human clothing options are not all in a single ZIP file on the Make Human website.
Good notice, did not even think about that…
That will be corrected soon!
You need to add the extracted files to the ‘/data/assets
’ directory in MB-Lab in order for it to pick up the files correctly.
The above is an example
Thank you.
You guys have done excellently since ManuelB sadly left the project – nice work! So good to know this is going forward.
I realize that it’s early days for feature requests, but something I’ve been hoping for is kid-proportion-scaling of the models, like MakeHuman has. No rush, just wanted to mention it.