Meta-Rig for Manuel Bastioni Lab [Addon for an Addon]

Great job with the improvements.
About the cold, if u are still coughing this long, pls try seeing a doctor. I had a friend who used to cough and turned out he had Pneumonia. It was detected early.

Take care of yourself, mate and great work.

Hello. I just rigged a MBLab mesh using your add-on. IT works very well, except that the facial rig doesn’t work for me. I would like to know how to fix this problem.

First off all, I think you want to look at the MB-Lab called add-on. Second, you need the Rigify for MB-Lab add-on for the MB-Lab.
Because the “Meta-Rig for Manuel Bastioni Lab” add-on might not work properly on MB-Lab and has bug, that have been fixed in “Rigify for MB-Lab” add-on.
(I’m just telling, because you might have been confused with the names. You’re not the first one. :grin:)

If you want to use the face rig from Rigify: You have to do weight paint on your own.

If you want to use the face rig from MB-Lab (bone driven shape keys): You can easily detach the face rig panel and join to the Rigify rig after the generation. That should work without any problem.

Im trying to install Rigify for MB-Lab (I have Blender 2.79b) but I keep getting trackback errors.

The version of Rigify I downloaded is 0.5.6

Rigify for MB-Lab is for Blender 2.80 only.

i already have MB-Lab 1.6.5

I have modelled a head not using Mb-lab (I used the face builder by Keentools). Is there a process to rig this, in a way compatible to use the facial expressions from Mb-lab?

I am having problems with the add-on in 2.81a with MB-LAB 1.77 and Meta-Rig for MB-LAB 0.6.1 on Windows 10, no rig shows up after I press Add Meta-Rig, anyone has an idea?

Okay, got it to work after re installing the whole thing, but I get this error message when I generate the rig!

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-2.81a-windows64\2.81\scripts\addons\Rigify-for-MB-Lab-master\”, line 439, in execute[name].head.x = m[0]
KeyError: ‘bpy_prop_collection[key]: key “thigh_L_ik_target” not found’

You can make your own shape keys with the same names as MB-Lab and attach everything. This could work.

I’ll look into the issues as soon as I can. I couldn’t keep up with the changes the last few months. :confused:

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Hello! Could you fix your problem? I am very new here and when generating the rig with Rigify MB-Lab 1.7.7 for Blender 2.81 I get exactly the same warning. I would appreciate it if you could tell me the solution. thanks in advance, greetings

I fixed it.
Some ik-bones had been renamed to end with “_L” and “_R”.


Cool, thanks daniel!

Hello, I can’t connect the rig to the body. Please, could you take some time to watch this one minute video showing the problem?
Blender 2.81.16.
MB-Lab 1.7.7 b, download from:

Rigify for MB-Lab-master 0.6.2 from:

Thanks in advance.
