MGP - Environment Thread (9/10/07 Forest Level Progress)

Stu_Flowers: Yes, the water does flow in realtime and it has 2 layers. I’m thinking about adding a reflective layer like you did with your reflective water demo but it wont reflect the character so I’ll expirement and see what comes out = ) Everything that has been done so far are sections of the same level.

P.S. Is it possible to attach a raft mesh to the bottom of the player using the script you made for throwing coconuts? If so, would it rotate correctly according to the player’s position?

Zuker12: Thanks! = )

Oh yeah. Just add an empty below the character at the position you want the raft to be at, then use those same .setLocation() and .setOrientation() parts to make it stay there.

I’ve got a cool little inventory set-up (that needs heap loads-o-work) that I’ll send you for fun. What’s your e-mail?


New Update!

See first post.

nice but exactly why are you posting here? we aren’t supposed to show anyone for a while please remove them - sorry you weren’t around when we decided not to show anyone yet

Edit: I’ve restricted access to our VYEW page to invites only. If any members have a problem logging in then email me at [email protected]


Can’t wait for a playable demo!

New Update!

See first post.


YOU’RE DOG IS UGLY!! Get a clue!

One again, if any other members are having trouble logging in to the VYEW book, please email me your email address so that I can invite you.

[email protected]


hey guys, Siegel is working hard on our new camera system. Please support him and give him some feedback on what he is doing:cool:

it looks really cool to meh

yoyoyo - I’m late yo

I deserved to be flogged maliciously where the sun don’t shine I’m sure

but yeah, I’m done with that thing finally. And I’m emailing it to Ven0m right now, seeing as VYEW seems to be down at the moment.

Whether we actually use this “thing” or not, is up to you guys. It’s kinda cool. But… it’s also kinda “crappy”.



  • “Mm, you have no idea of what kinds of stuff that is hidden here!”

Vyew is down to me as well. What do you mean by thing btw? speak normally or i’ll do the nut-breaking flogg of malicousness where the sun doesnt shine! you hear me!?

I remember working on this game… Glad to see it’s still being worked on.

P.S. I love the new screens!

… lol i see here a really hard work going on ;p

migero, if you ere online at the vyewbook (WHEN VYEW IS UP OF COURSE) you’d know that we are working hard :P. You just got to see venoms menu scene!

I guess there is an illusion that there’s no work being done in the forums because the threads are updated rarely now that we have the vyewbook.

The menu scene is almost complete, I’ll post the blend on the vyewbook when it’s done. For now I guess we just wait til the vyewbook comes back online.

I have added a coment box to the website

just thought I would let you guys know. :stuck_out_tongue:

Vyew is online again!The box is great Johnyman!

lol we’re the Yakuza of the blenderartists =D

and migero’s right - I’ve been slowing down the dev a bit because of personal life - it’s my fault

but actually we’re still making great progress if you ask me. but of course I’m a little biased

VYEW is still down for maintanence

Vyew is down again :frowning: they are moving their servers they say.