yes, no problem.
I think to create video tutorials for practice my English, but I do not promise anything.
I continuing proving and searching methods for create trees and i have had a very good and realistic results .
example of this n.n
the second output is the key for a very controlable trees and final grow node with 1 for lengh and can spawn leaf disabled is the solution for eliminate the final twigs that not follow leaf directionality and weight of the others twigs.
Entity can you explain the purpose of split node.
When i click execute tree or randomize tree it creates new tree without replacing old tree.and also auto update is not working.
i think you need to select first the created tree, or it will always create a new one
for automatic update and keep only one geometry you need select the first trunk or node tree executed.
the purpose of split node is convert the grow node behavior similar to branch node, but personally i think is more controllable because you have two split angle for the control branches, one for base branches and other for split branches.
Thank you dan
Thank you Entity
Your dedication to this plugin is astounding! I salute you good sir, and doff my hat to you.
This Scot Pine is amazing. Iâd like to create those fantastic leaves for this pine. Could You help me with this and show me how you achieved those leaves?
these example all seem very similar - can you do palm trees, joshua trees, cacti (!) etc?
Donât hesitate if you have any questions concerning the code
Any thoughts on integrating this addon with the likes of Animation Nodes? It would be really cool if you could also procedurally animate the various parameters. Or would you be ok with it if someone else gives it a shot?
I probably wonât be the one to do it, but I welcome any that would try such thing !
Whatâs the multiple outputs on the trunk node? I havenât messed with the 2.8 version yet.
May be it is asked many times but is there anyway to bake animation ? If not Will it be available in near future ? I donât know if it is doable but do you plan to add dynamic lod ?
This is my version of palm tree, but I think the leafs is very random and savage.
The material are a default material of the addon and simple leaf shader for palm leafs.
Armature creation and wind are back !
The vertex groups for the armature are automatically created (but armature will not deform curve meshes) so it is more usable now.
I removed the âaccurateâ wind simulation, as it wasnât very useful, but the fast wind operator is still here. There is no interface yet, but you can call it with the search bar.
Also, freehand drawing for the trunk/main branches is back ! It is now an option in the trunk node.
The addon is near completion for a release, it has been quite a lot of work, and I am happy with the result