Modular Tree

With seed and negative attraction (just trunk), it’s possible to have trunk curve and down !image_2021-12-12_100909

maybe you can add a tree libary with some presetst

uv’s are brocken when adding branches the trunk alone is fine

I remember years ago (in this thread):

where find material now ?

those are sick trees

Where find procedural bark ?

idk but it looks like a wave texture with a vorinoi texture mixed somehow

Find in old version 3.0.0.

i never used 3.0 can’t help sory

You can get the materials from a previous version, but I intend to improve them a bit before re introducing them.

version 4.0.2 bugfix

There was a pretty major bug introduced in Mtree 4.0.2 that messes up the uvs, I just fixed it so if you are using this version I highly recommend to re-download and re-install it !


Ok thanks a lot, in image above the one with moss is absolutely wonderful !

Got the update — Thanks!

Doing some playing around — while reading through the previous version of this thread — and seeing some cool results.

I’m sure rewriting all this is time-intensive, but I’m looking forward to things from the previous version like roots and object avoidance making it into the new one.

And let me second the suggestion for a presets library. Even just a page in the docs with screen shots or text of settings for various trees would be enormously useful.

For example, this started out as my attempt at an old oak, but I wound up just putting phi into every field and ta-da:

I’m going to do the same with pi and tau and see what happens. :upside_down_face:

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I was thinking of doing presets using the asset library, but I don’t think it supports custom node trees yet

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BTW here is my current progress for the procedural bark material:


Any ideas in how I might point the leaves toward the tips of the branches? Or point them upward in general? I’m looking at the Geo Node editor for the Leaves and I’m baffled. haha. I have a pretty great low poly tree setup, but I just don’t see a way to direct them upward with the current modifier parameters.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\Desktop\blender-3.0.0-stable+v30.f1cca3055776-windows.amd64-release\3.0\scripts\modules\”, line 351, in enable
mod = import(module_name)
File “C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.0\scripts\addons\”, line 16, in
from . import python_classes
File “C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.0\scripts\addons\modular_tree-master\”, line 2, in
from . import nodes
File “C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.0\scripts\addons\modular_tree-master\python_classes\”, line 6, in
from . import sockets
File “C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.0\scripts\addons\modular_tree-master\python_classes\nodes\”, line 6, in
from .property_socket import MtreePropertySocket
File “C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.0\scripts\addons\modular_tree-master\python_classes\nodes\sockets\”, line 3, in
from …m_tree import ConstantProperty, RandomProperty, PropertyWrapper
ImportError: cannot import name ‘ConstantProperty’ from ‘modular_tree-master.m_tree’ (unknown location)

i got this eror while trying to enable the latest Mtree version

nvm seems like i got the wrong operating sisteam

@Maxime I am interesting with your bark procedural, try to understand the version 3.00, it’s difficult engineering…