Modular Tree

when you want to relise them than use a atribute node with the uvname so you can relise them without loosing texture

That’s because when you realize instances, it does this goofy crap where it converts your previously defined instances, and changes them into it’s geometry node specific setup, with it’s own UV channel.

What you’ll need to do is use a Set Material node in the geo tree after the Realize Instance node, then throw an attribute node into your material in the shader editor, and lead it to uv_map, like so…



man i kinda hate that the ramp node is so unstable

on that node i redit the nodes for leave distrobution again and this time properly… i think

geo_nodes_2_93.blend (3.0 MB)
also here the blend file i would love to see this in the offical mtree relise

also the last two values need to be an atribute so it can work

Anyone else having problems getting this to install on 3.1?

yes this was lukcly fixed alredy by a 3rd party who has fixed this but @Maxime needs to merg it in to the main branch

here is the 3rd party version of mtree it works in 3.1 i hope that helped


Nice. Thanks. :smiley:

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I grabbed from the repo. but sadly, it won’t load (MacOS Catalina).

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Applications/", line 351, in enable
mod = __import__(module_name)
File "/Users/***/Library/Application Support/Blender/3.1/scripts/addons/modular_tree-blender_31/", line 16, in <module>
from . import python_classes
File "/Users/***/Library/Application Support/Blender/3.1/scripts/addons/modular_tree-blender_31/python_classes/", line 2, in <module>
from . import nodes
File "/Users/***/Library/Application Support/Blender/3.1/scripts/addons/modular_tree-blender_31/python_classes/nodes/", line 6, in <module>
from . import sockets
File "/Users/***/Library/Application Support/Blender/3.1/scripts/addons/modular_tree-blender_31/python_classes/nodes/sockets/", line 6, in <module>
from .property_socket import MtreePropertySocket
File "/Users/***/Library/Application Support/Blender/3.1/scripts/addons/modular_tree-blender_31/python_classes/nodes/sockets/", line 3, in <module>
from ....m_tree import ConstantProperty, RandomProperty, PropertyWrapper
ImportError: cannot import name 'ConstantProperty' from 'modular_tree-blender_31.m_tree' (unknown location)


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I couldn’t get it to work either. I even tried cloning the repo, and running the resulting script to get it to complie, but it always errors out on me.

I’ve since downloaded a copy of 3.0 for those moments when I feel the need to make a tree.


I also have this error. I am currently running blender 3.1.2. Is this only compatible with b3.1.0?

su 3.1.2 da errore

si sulla 3.0.1 funziona ma e differente dalla versione 2.9.2 ha anche nodi diversi

in ultima versione mtree ha diversi nodi pero mi sembra piu ostico ma produce alberi piu leggeri e meno dettagliati forse sbaglio io qualcosa. la versione 2.9.2 è piu precisa e produce alberi piu complessi e dettagliati. propongo. come faccio di usare versione 292 per alberi in primo piano e l’altra versione per alberi di fondo … un ultima cosa dato che in 292 non ce ancora asset browser se aprite un albero in versioni dopo la 292 assicuratevi che siano state applicate le particelle del modificatore e abbiate salvato i materiali altrimenti troverete un file mancante

Hi Raffaele, please, post your comments in English language. The reason why we all write here in English is because it’s an international community. You can use the Google Translator or other similar tools. Thank you.

Ciao Raffaele, per favore, pubblica i tuoi commenti in lingua inglese. Il motivo per cui scriviamo tutti qui in inglese è perchÊ è una comunità internazionale. Puoi utilizzare Google Translator o altri strumenti simili. Grazie. (Translated in Italian using the Google Translator)

Hello, I believe that someone already posted this request before: would be it possible to use collections for leaves (similar to the particles modifier)? So it will be perfect solution for custom leaves with stems?

Thank you!

hey yes you could use colections but you need to change the node tree abit
and with abit i meen alot

On 3.1.2 from error

Yes on 3.0.1 it works but it is different from version 2.9.2 it also has different nodes

In the last version mtree has several nodes but it seems more difficult to me but it produces lighter and less detailed trees maybe I’m wrong something. version 2.9.2 is more precise and produces more complex and detailed trees. I propose. how do I use version 292 for foreground trees and the other version for bottom trees … one last thing since in 292 there is still no browser asset if you open a tree in versions after 292 make sure that the modifier particles have been applied and you have saved the materials otherwise you will find a missing file

@Graphics_Dev Hi man thank you so much for this amazing add-on I have a quick question if you have a sec it would be amazing.

I would like to animate the tree growing? Is there an easy way to do it. I have tried inserting key frames to the Node, Trunk Length, Branch Length but it doesnt seem to work. It looks like it shoudl. I think this would look the best but I am a little newbie to Blender still and maybe there is a better and nicer way of doing it please let me know.

I mean if anyone can help me with growing these trees with key frames it would be amazing.

Thanks <3

so 3.2 relises and legasy nodes are not suported anymore so you need to use another geo node tree for leaves