Moon Hoax Theorists, come here!

OMG-- So, following logic, we can deduce:

  1. Geico either stopped running their ads because people were catching on to the Truth, so they started the Clever Ruse of Cavemen or
  2. Cavemen have successfully usurped the throne of reptiles!

Or maybe Geico realized that everyone was getting sick of that annoying gecko. I don’t care if he has a British accent, he stopped being amusing about three years ago, and yet I still see him.

In any case, I now know why SuSE Linux tried to destroy my computer.

On a side note, I used to have a couple of lizards and I’m eagerly awaiting my Informational Packet describing how I can get a piece of the running-the-world pie. Will it come in the mail?

I, for one, welcome our saurian overlords. [/meme]

Now can we get back to talking about the moon landings, fellow lizard underlings?

Ummm… The thousands upon thousands of people that worked for the 100’s of vendors, that built all the Equipment and helped design the whole project.

I well aware of that, but you’re missing the point. It’s pretty hard to “mess up” what they did with the flag and get inaccurate results. They constructed an American Flag to the specs that NASA used for the Apollo missions, put it in a giant vacuum chamber, twisted the poll and there it was a flapp’n away, back and forth.

I also noticed how they performed the other setups and they looked pretty legit to me! The photos they recreated were damn near an exact match of the NASA photos! They showed very clearly that you can get differently angled shadows from one light source, and white space suits show up very clearly in shadows without multiple light sources as well.

You are correct in that certain things that I have seen them do on the show have been “questionable” to say the least. The moon hoax tests were well planned and very carefully done. I don’t see how they could have received false results.

Hmm that image on the far right, it’s missing star’s… its a fake!!!

we didnt go to the moon, how can the moon exist… did alien’s make it, do they exist?

what are we doing here, those alien’s… they’ll get you!

Another damnable piece of evidence against the moon hoax - if it were, don’t you think the Russians would have exploited it? Have they EVER said it was?

Trust me when I say they watched what we did very closely, and I have no doubt they intercepted and recorded all radio telecommunications between Apollo and Houston. If there had been the slightest hint at deception on our part, they would have been all over it.

I guess we’ll know for sure when whomever goes to the moon next verifies the landings. Most likely the Chinese.

Yes, but the Russians, Chinese, Koreans and Indians are all involved in the same conspiracy with the Americans.

Good lord, I hate conspiracy theorists so much. It started as a mild amusement, then escalated to a slight irritation, and now…

Would you guys just shut the heck up? Don’t post your sh** until it’s actually proven. Theories are for geeks and wannabes. Show me something solid and maybe I won’t chop you in the throat.

Jeez, Im in a bad freaking mood this afternoon.

I tried to sum the whole thing up to see if things could end but it only attracted more.

Conspiracy theories are buzzing around the forum now like a horde of angry hornets.

Wow dude, that’s not very mature, so I guess you go around chopping scientists in the throat just cause they spout off how they know this or that happened even though they don’t have real proof that they can shove in your face?
You seem to be a short tempured irrational person, try to be objective, instead of shooting everything down or saying that the evidence is made up or whatever, try being a little open minded, you sound like the way a Christian acts when someone makes fun of God or Jesus.
Am I insulting your God?
If so, how does it feel to have something you hold close being insulted (as many here on BA have done to Christians).


No, I say that he’s quite justified.

Conspiracy theorists are not scientists. If they were scientists, they would see that 99.99 percent is based on something that they heard from a paranoia flick on youtube, which show no evidence of anything. All they do is say “On <month/date/year>, <catostraphic event> happened. New video evidence of random men pretending they have PHDs proves that the New World Order was responsible.”

Oh, and if you don’t agree, you’re a brainwashed fool. /end conspiracy mentality

No offense to any of you actually using some rationality- there’s nothing wrong with questioning everything. I highly encourage people to do so. Blindly pawning off every major event in history as a product of some world organization out to kill us all, however, is just too much.

The Soviets would have called it if it was.

Well I would agree not to attribute every little thing to a new world order.

Like all mistakes are orchestrated, how do you plan every mistake, nobody is mister perfect and even people in power will have a time when their brain sputters and they make a gaff.

Considering if you blame every death on the planet to a government scheme, remember people aren’t supposed to live forever.

Noly problem is you think we all believe the same thing, you do the same thing that you do to Christians, you presume all CTists believe in the same CT, but that’s not true.


That’s not what I intended to imply. It was really more directed at some of the more gullible people on the forum.

Personally, I think there is a considerable difference between a Conspiracy Theorist and someone who asks questions. What pushes it over the border is when a theorist says that his claims are true, despite any lack of evidence. When a scientist comes up with a theory, he acknowledges the possibility that he might be wrong. This does not seem to be the came for many of you (no fingers being pointed).

And don’t compare this with religion. That’s another flame war for another thread.

Misquote there. I said these people might as well have been made up. Not that I believe they’ve been made up. Because I believe the moonlandings happened. All I tried to illustrate is that you can call everything a lie, and every proof against that statement a further lie until your entire world is a lie.

@Jimmy: Nah man, you aren’t insulting my God, so don’t worry about that.

You seem to be a short tempured…
Short Tempered? Nah, just fed up. I’m actually a very relaxed person most of the time. However, ignorant/conspiratorial people(yeah, same thing, I know) really tick me off for some reason, especially the preachy type.

…irrational person…
Irrational? Not really. I pin that title on folks like you.

…try being a little open minded…
Close-minded? Nope, again, that’s just my disgust with the ignorant. I actually like thinking about and considering alternative ideas etc, but this is the kind of ridiculous crap I can’t stand.

you sound like the way a Christian acts when someone makes fun of God or Jesus.
Am I insulting your God?
If so, how does it feel to have something you hold close being insulted (as many here on BA have done to Christians).
Hmm, well, since you tried to liken your conspiracies to God/Religion, I’d like to point out that any thread with videos/articles on God or religious topics get shut down very quickly, because people don’t want to hear the religious crazies rant about their beliefs.

Basically, I’m a Conspiracy-Atheist, and I’d like it if you would keep your God to yourself.

Basically, I’m a Conspiracy-Athiest, and I’d like it if you would keep your God to yourself.

What the heck is a Conspiracy Atheist? I’m a little confused, maybe I’m taking your terminology too literal?

Plus, no need as stated before for personal attacks, it’s one of the first signs that someone is losing an arguement. Try attacking the issue and evidence, not the people presenting it, then we can have peacful discussion.


What the heck is a Conspiracy Atheist? I’m a little confused, maybe I’m taking your terminology too literal?

Umm, it’s a pretty straight forward… analogy? I think that’s the word(if not, try metaphor).

Plus, no need as stated before for personal attacks, it’s one of the first signs that someone is losing an arguement. Try attacking the issue and evidence, not the people presenting it, then we can have peacful discussion.

Ha, I would say that hinting that the other person is losing is the first sign. Anywho, this isn’t against you its against people like you. I’m sure you’re a great guy, and I doubt I’d have a problem with you, except for this issue.

And I’m attacking the people behind the conspiracies because the conspiracies themselves are invincable. Since they’re completely made up and based off of too many assumptions/‘theories’ and not enough reality, they can shift anytime they feel threatened. Plus the folks behind them are the root, and we all know you gotta get the root to take down the weed.

And sorry bud, this is peaceful :slight_smile: I debate/tyrade with passion, but it’s still peaceful.

Understood, the problem I have with some of these “scientific theories”, like evolution is the common sense and logic factor often go out the window.
How does a reptile sprout feathers? A feather is a very complexly designed nano structure. Did the reptile think about trying to make it’s body produce it (which would be hard for it to concieve since they have such small brians)? How does it happen, it really makes no sense even if I consider the possiblility that many laws of nature and physics do not apply, it still makes no sense how a reptile can sprout feathers.


Laws such as?


This explanation (the thinking about and the size of the brain) you gave shows who have no understanding about the evolution process, be it a theory or a fact, it doesn’t matter here.
You cannot say something is wrong just because you can´t understand it.