"Moria's Race" Open Movie Project


I cannot stop releasing addons about the movie instead of making the movie.

Procrastination superpower!

It took more than 24 hours to render this shot, just to notice that it’s obvious by the reflection on the wall that I didn’t animate the rotation of the wheels. LOL. Re-rendering it now from scratch. I do have the copy of the old render just for fun, though.

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It’s already more than half way re-done.

Oh no!

You know stories about cool action scenes, like the infamous inception’s hallway fight scene where in the scrip it basically says “they fight” and the director needs to come up with everything on the day of shooting? Well it’s seems like we have this in Moria’s Race LOL.

This is my next scene:

I wanted to basically show off refractions in cycles, so I didn’t think much about what is happening in the tube, or how she overtakes the guys that she overtakes. But I know that she needs to advance exactly two cars in this tube.

The soundtrack for the scene is about 55 seconds to a minute. And I can’t believe that I’m saying it, but this track is published as an addon ( by me ) for Super Tux Kart and I just tried going into the pipe and seeing how much seconds it would take me to drive it through. It took me 15 seconds. We need to stretch the animation somehow 5X without slowmotion. The only way that I see to do it is using rubber-banding editing technique. It’s obvious in films where a door is automatically closing and the character needs to deal with something else before he can slip through the door. So we constantly see the door starting to close from a earlier place, each time we see the door.

I can also insert a lot of closeups and angles. I hope I can make it work. LOL.

So I wrote a very boring sounding draft of what shots I want. Now I need to draw all of them. And put the storyboards onto the music, to see if it even works at all. I’m scared, but the last time that I had a song first it turned out great.

This tube is a nightmare! I have to be very careful with the wheels touching the glass since it’s very easy to tell if they touch or not, due to the reflection. But in the same time I can’t just snap the cars to the tube since the tube is round. It will be interesting.

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Okay so I increased the Subdivisions on the tube and used the shrink-wrap constraint on the car and it looks not too bad.

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I have one shot on the outside of the tube. And just to make it more underwater I’ve added just a touch of volumetrics and a bit of fake caustics.

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I like how slightly haunting this looks. Injects a bit of Halloween vibe into the movie. But in the same time this shot is there to relieve tension. It will be weird.

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I have made a mistake!

This is a gif taken from an already rendered shot. It took 2 days of rendering because of all of refraction and volumetrics. Now I know that every-time I deal with these, I have to do a test render at 25% resolution with a fraction of samples. Because this is stupid looking.

As you can see there is a light in the scene. And while I tested still renders it looked to as thought this light comes out of one of the big lamps outside of the water. But you also can see one of those lamps refracted in the water without the halo effect around it. And you can see that the light that causes the halo effect moves in a such a way that it betrays it’s actual position. Which is just above the tube.

This is just a simple point lamp that is used to make the fake caustics. And I like how it looks. The only problem is motion. I think I know what I gonna do. I gonna manually track this light to the position of the real refracted light. So it would create an effect as if it’s far away.

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Okay, quite frankly it’s cool to have the render at hand, because I can just use is as a background image in the camera like so to see where is the light I want is. Because since it’s refracted, in the 3D view it’s completely somewhere else entirely.

Also you can see the lamp that caused the trouble.

Okay that’s just magic. I moved the lamp to where I saw the light on the render and gave it a test render. And it looks fantastic coming out of something with a shape of a light. Now I just need to track the movement.

So I was trying to prepare the soundtrack for the next portion of the race. I plugged the guitar into the computer and started playing with a little bit to see if it sounds good. Which resulted in me recording this track. I originally wanted to do a piano thing. But this is so good I’m using it in the very end of the race. Spoiler alert: Moria’s is going to do something unexpectedly wholesome.

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Fixed! Now the light is in the correct spot.

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Dang, that is a nice guitar. Is that pure electric output or are you running it through a VST?

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I plugged it directly into the blue port in the computer and using Pipewire wired it to Audacity. Then added a bit of reverb. There are two tracks here, the chords and the solo are separate.

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And this is what I had to record today. I ended up not using the guitar at all. But for the scene this music is perfect.
For context Moria is going to do a LOOP and then another LOOP. In the end everything goes a bit to shit. But not for Moria. So you hear a bit of dissonance.


It’s getting hot in here!

The computer just froze this morning from overheating. I don’t know for sure, but similar state is achieved when you reach 100 c with the CPU. And I’m rendering on CPU.

I had opened the window in a such a way that air is circulating around the room and put a normal cheap fan directly to the motherboard on highest setting. It blows like that for already a few hours constantly. I feel chilled here. While rendering, the computer gets to up to 86 c now.

I live in a hot climate and today around 9 in the morning we had something like 30 c outside. Now it’s 33 c. Winter was fine. It got rather cool and the computer didn’t sweat. But it’s just May now. And soon the Summer comes. I don’t know how I gonna cool that thing. Unless of course I will upgrade the setup itself with some high end cooling equipment. It is doable, but it’s expensive. ( Maybe I will need two fans blowing at it LOL ).
