PBR Materials Addon

Thank you so much for this great addon :smiley: These procedural textures made my jaw drop, but I guess it shouldn’t surprise me since you pulled off skyfree :wink:

Is it possible to add our own materials? If no, will we be able to in the future?

These are the three node groups that I am able to create and these are the options that each one presents. As you can see ( unless I have misunderstood) I seem to be getting a limited set of options ?


Bunc, those look just like mine do. Not every texture/material has the same amount of properties.

But they seem to be the only ones that I can create. I thought there should be more textures for example? I can only create cracks.

Did you click the picture? That should open a list of multiple pictures.

Dear God Im dumb. And your brilliant. Thank you!

What about metallic rim color?

Thanks again for the addon! Have available these procedural shaders and textures is really a time saver!. I really hope you can keep adding shaders and textures. For example I’ve missed some Wood and Fabrics. Also it might be good add some volumetric shaders and textures, for example smoke and fire for smoke domain.
Here some of my test. I used some materials and textures from the addon, combined with other nodes:

Good YAFU :), yes, we will add a lot of new materials, thanks for the suggestions, soon we will add Leather, Ceramic, Marble and Fabric

Nice!, waiting for those to test.

I have some suggestions for the addon as well.

First, I think it would be a good idea to add an option for us to add our own materials. I think I may have figured out a way to do it now, but it is definitely not straight forward.

Second, the car paint shader is not very flexible. It only allows you to create metallic paint. I thought it would be a good idea to add a roughness slider for the metallic under coat and I have a prototype ready :wink:

car paint shader.blend (850 KB)

I also added in edge tint (rim), as this is a common property of car paint as well as controls for the size and weight of the tint. I used you aluminum and reflectivity nodes but I changed the algorithm to Beckmann (not GGX) for the aluminum because I find this looks better on a metal. I also added a brightness/contrast node after the Voronoi texture with contrast set to 100 so the flakes are more pronounced. The flakes are created a little differently too.

Hope you like it :slight_smile:

@greg086, maybe you do not know this Materials Library (Matlib VX) addon that you can use in combianation with PBR addon:

With it you can save any material you create (all engines) and also create categories. Even you can create your custom materials using PBR addon materials, and save them with Matlib VX.
Oh, and that’s not all. Meta-Androcto combined Matlib VX addon with a lot of shaders from community. So you can direactly install the addon from the Meta-Androcto GitHub repository, and will also have hundreds of materials.

Wow, thank’s Yafu! :smiley:

Thanks for asking that question Bunc. Yes, you are dumb and i’m riding shotgun :smiley:

@ macio, Thank you very much for your add-ons.

@ macio,

How to add Diffuse/alberto, Gloss, Specular, and Normal maps addon to change Shader: Bricks, Plaster etc…?

It’s possible to future version to have a similar function Multi-Texture Importing like ONELVXE Material Pipeline?

Hi Serviteur :slight_smile: why do you need to have Albedo, Glossy and Normal maps? this Addon will contain all the materials, you don’t need it ;). but anyway… if you want to use them, HERE there are, in the Theory section, the Basic Nodes used to create all the Materials :wink:

@ macio,

In this link:https://poliigon.com/texture/64

If i need to create materials with texture Bricks 17: Alberto, Displacement, Gloss, Specular, and Normal maps how I can do with Addon?
In the Theory section I don’t see example.

" excuses me for my bad english; I am french"

In the Theory section there is the “Download” button :slight_smile: download the pack of the basic nodes, if you only want to add the materials to the addon there is a procedure: unzip the addon, place the new thumbnail in the thumbs folder and delete the .png part. now open a blend file in the Blends folder and add your Material with the same name of the thumbnail. :slight_smile: all is done, zip all and install

@ macio,

It’s not possible to do (example) a gif or screenshot like Guide?