2022-05-25 Pseudo-Greek pottery
No tutorial, just a continuation of stencil painting since I felt I had barely scratched the surface (ha!).
Where are the layers? I cannot stand painting without layers (because I am not good at it, so I screw things up, and it’s nice not to have messed your base texture or what you did previously). Why could I not select only specific faces to paint on instead of glopping it all over?
I know I could just take the texture with UVs into the GIMP and do it there, but I actually like painting in 3D quite a bit better so far, and there simply have got to be ways to make this easier (Grant didn’t touch on this in these videos – he will do so in others, but I didn’t get to them yet).
For those on tenterhooks: There’s a (free) add-on for layers, Tx Layer.
And one can indeed select individual or groups of faces. In the Viewport header is a little face symbol next to the Mode Switcher, that turns on masking. Select individual faces; box and circle and lasso select also work. For this it helps to have the Wireframe Overlay on. But I learned you can also just switch into Edit Mode, do the selection there, and switch back.
What I continued to find awkward is to apply a stencil along a straight line around the vase. The ortho views only get you so far because of the distortion once you get to the edges. Then I started rotating the vase with r-z to maintain an ortho view and that helped, but it’s still not ideal.
Still, I think these are pretty good for the level I was at.
Base texture is procedural and then baked, stencils are ornaments I have collected over the years from royalty-free sources.
Edit: Huh. Somewhere I lost my baked rocks file. Because I did them before these vases, since I already knew how to bake the base texture after creating the nodes for it.