Pixar RenderMan for Blender!

Blushing here, completely missed it, thanks allot man, much appreciated!

Thanks, one more question, just install Renderman for Maya, or do I need to install ProServer?

You need Pro Server at a minimum and RenderMan for Maya if you want to render to IT or use IPR

Thank you so much, you are hyper active and a hard worker. And I’m breaking balls everywhere :o

blushing :smiley: that was quite obvious but I didn’t think of it. Thank you!

tried to render this scene https://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?403379-Roof-drink&p=3077928#post3077928 with renderman, that’s the result so far.

I love the shaders, that out of the box give a great result. It is also much much quicker than cycles on cpu.

On the other hand, for sure I still need to learn a lot about this engine, but the versatility and ease of use of cycles I think can hardly be recreated. But again, I hope that going on in the learning process will fix this aspect a little :slight_smile:

Nice render :wink:

Thank you!

I am having some trouble understanding the management of the node trees. For example, let’s say I have 2 objects with the same material. If I duplicate the material using the button with the number of user next to the name, it looks to me the node tree doesn’t change. Looks like the shader is still linked to the same node tree. I have to delete the material altogether and add a new one.

Also, I cannot manually select node trees from the drop down menu of the node tree editor… for example, how can I see the world node tree?

You change/select the node tree of a material on the Node Tree (list under the Preview window). Where you can also select other trees to manipulate in Node editor (World included;)).


I had the preview closed, looked for that for one hour… :smiley: thanks

Loving it, SSS is a breeze with PxrDisney shader, renders fast too!

Rendered with Min 32 Max 256 samples, 4K map, basic 3 points light setup, using PxrDisney shader, no denoise, no HDR, render time 1 min 35 seconds on i7 2700K 16GB ram.

Model by Kent Trammel

Nice! I’d love to see how much faster that is in RenderMan 21… PxrSurface is amazing!

Thanks, just getting my feet wet here, so only using the free Renderman at the moment, but who knows what may happen in the near future.

This head could be pushed allot more, I mean, it literally took me 10 minutes to figure it out and set it up!

The model was released quite sometime ago, but not sure I can share the file here!


More SSS testing this morning!

Again, PxrDisney shader, so its faked SSS, but it does look good!

I converted the maps(10k) with txmake.exe, so they didn’t have to be converted on the fly, saves loads of time on first render, but they can get pretty big, but my understanding is that this format is much more efficient on the long run!

Min 32 Max 512 samples, simple 3 points light setup, no denoiser, no HDR, render time 2:38


3D scan was found here…

did some test with the skin shader and that model as well. The bottom line is that despite having much more experience in cycles, I wasn’t able to pull some important skin feature in cycles, that render man managed to deliver.

Sure, it’s not cheap, cause when you start to throw in textures, bump and a decent lighting rendertimes goes up. Still the results are really good.

Here a comparison. Same lighting (at least… light position… still the lighting is not 100% the same). rman 10 minutes, cycles 5.

The things I like much more in rman are areas like the ears and under the eye, where I get the feeling of flesh and color gets slightly darker. Cycles in those areas in my opinion become a bit burned some times and I cannot get that nice feeling. I tried with the skin production shaders from the market, as we as with my shader. I just couldn’t get it right.

fist cycles, second rman

One thing thou. I am experiencing some issue with the exporter. Converting scenes is quite painful as you cannot just convert shaders and render. Also impoting objects from another scene is not painful and sometimes I got an error and blender just wouldn’t render with rman. I needed to import objects one by one, little by little. Still I feel is reaaaaaaally unstable under that point of view.

Another annoying thing is that I have the feeling sometimes the scene doesn’t update… for example, if you activate render visibility of particles they won’t work. Sometimes I need to close blender and reload the scene. Same thing for the amount of multires render subdivisions. Or another time one particle system automatically deactivated the emitter geometry render option, so my face wounldn’t render and I couldn’t understand why…

Don’t get me wrong, I love this plugin and I am loving rman, I just think there are still things to fix. If bsavery is interested I can give him the blend that was giving me these headaches, even if now it’s working quite fine… looks almost like the scene need to get “used” to new stuff :smiley:


Render test.

Latest test. Using ONELVXE Material Pipeline. It works in Renderman in case anyone was wondering. The textures do at least. It works just fine with the Disney shader. I will be posting some more test renders. I really like Renderman and have decided I will be purchasing it next year when I am ready to start rendering my short film.

Anyone have any tips or tricks? Or questions? I have figured out a few things, but am not sure how to do displacement maps correctly or how to use an ambient occlusion map properly.

Cool! I haven’t tried the onelvxe materials. But really ambient occlusion maps are unescessary IMO when you do displacement. They’re really there for game engines or not doing displacement. Anyway Displacements should be easy to set up. You attach the displacement shader to the slot on the output node, and can tie a float map into the displacement float slot or if its a vector displacement there should be an input for that on the displacement node too.
Looks good!

pardon me, but I need a bit more detailed guidance on installation. I have Ubuntu 14.04 and successfully downloaded the zip file and extracted the package. But dropping it into the addons, I’m not real clear on. I’ve done it manually in the past, copying and pasting into the appropriate folders. But any step by step advice. For me pretty specific, like the bin folder is merged with the blender bin folder in the addons. That level of granularity. If anyone has the patience to walk me through it.

Hey FXR. There’s some install instructions here: https://github.com/bsavery/PRMan-for-Blender/wiki/installation

The easiest way is to take the zip and in the addons preferences “Install from file” and point to the zip.

Let me know if that’s not clear, we can clear up the install instructions.