Follow the instructions here:
it means you need to download the renderman pro server from the web site, check out this link for more.
it means you need to download the renderman pro server from the web site, check out this link for more.
Thank you both!
I’ve already Renderman installed and it works, already have that “preview_scene.rib” but I have to fix all of the materials one by one, because it uses PxrSurface by default in new materials and when convert materials. Is there a way to say to the add-on to use PxrDisney instead, as default?
Thank you!
New release is up:…leases/tag/21_3
Note the new features:
Autoupdater - the addon will update itself from now on.
Openvdb, volumes,
Portal Lights,
and more:
Full release notes:
v21.3.0 11/8/16
- Auto updater for addon added. In the addon preferences there is settings for auto updating. If
left to the default it will check once a day with github and download any changes.
Thanks to CG Cookie for contributing the example and JDent for implementing - Portal lights now must be parented under the corresponding Hemi light in the outliner. They need this to get the rotation from the hemi light.
- Material Baking is enabled now. To use insert a PxrBakeTexture node in a shader graph and use the bake button after setting a filename. Note the object needs uv unwrap (thanks to JDent)
- OpenVDB files can be exported in place of an object or empty under the “Geometry Source” on the object properties
- An object can be exported as an RiVolume cube using the bounding box under the “Primitive Type” in the object properties.
- Fix Rotation of directional lights and other lights
- Doing undo (ctrl+z) in IPR should no longer cause a crash.
- MatteID can be set per object in the object properties.
- Rib files now default to binary (smaller, faster) and can be zipped. See the advanced render properties
- Per lobe outputs for PxrSurface are available for AOV’s
- Various IPR fixes (MUCH MORE STABLE AND FASTER for material changes)
- Fix IES profiles for lights
- A few blender panels (example physics settings) were hidden, show them
- Output settings notes when rendering to IT, view in the image properties.
- An “id” primvar is available for particles (and hair) allowing random variations with PxrVary node.
- innumerable other bug fixes.
- As always thanks to jdent02 and rgordon for their help.
Big code refactor and other fun changes coming for 21.4
For Madcello and others who have old processors I updated a PxrDisney only release:
EDIT: Solved by changing permissions on the license file.
Sorry for the newbie question,
currently I have non commercial 21.2 installed; I’m trying to upgrade to 21.3 and I opened the RenderMan installer, put there the forum id and password, but I only get “Could not save license file to /Applications/Pixar/pixar.license The file could not be opened.”
The file is there and it opens fine as text, what can I do? Some permissions issue maybe (OS X 10.9.5)?
Thank you, and Thank you to bsavery, JDent and all the Pixar developers!
Thank you bsavery, and the other contributors also!
I think that the correct link to the files is:
Thank You so much bsavery!
awesome, will try it out, thanks for the update!
edit:…leases/tag/21_3 this link gives a 404
i grabbed it from the main page here instead:
RenderMan 21.4 is out!
Now you should be able to update the plugin from the big “update” button in the user preferences. Also of course you’ll have to update RenderMan itself!
Other release notes:
- Support for PxrHairColor (per strand index)
- Preset browser integration. Found under the RenderMan tab in the View3D menu (press T). This is an implementation of the same preset browser in RfM. Allows you to share shader networks with RfM, and save and import your favorite materials, and apply them to selected objects.
- Updates to the auto-updater.
- A couple fixes and optimizations to baking.
The preset browser is new, post any issues you have with that, but should be pretty straightforward to use. Happy rendering!
Is the Linux version of Renderman updated, I tried to download 21.4 but got 21.3 instead? If I try to render with 21.3 Blender 2.78c crashes. Thanks
Under Centos 7, the server upgraded fine, however with the plugin update in preferences, I get a certificate error. So I upgraded it manually from the Github page.
This is the certificate error.
[SSL:CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verified failed (_ss.c.645)
That’s weird. Because it should be using github’s cert, and I’d hope they have a valid certificate!
how works renderman for interior and furniture? i always uses cycles, must i try renderman or keep cycles?
in all scenes work very well , high optimized pathtracer (I think it’s comparable to arnold for noise reduction), adaptive sampler and denoiser, interior scenes with dificult ilumination? its have bidirectional path tracer with vertex conection and merging. However in my old computer (2008) cycles it’s really much faster(3x) with more noise and much easier to make layered materials:eyebrowlift2:.
Whats the best way to update a existing non-commercial Renderman for OSX? (actual renderman, not the plugin)
should i just download the binaries again and re-install over the old one, or delete everything, re-install? renderman tends to put files here and there on osx, so not sure where everything is…
edit: nevermind i managed to install it ok, but i got some weird errors when applying the preset materials, i posted in the renderman forums about it.
Thanks, It looks like they hadn’t updated the download for Linux, I was able to download 21.4 today, no problems. I didn’t have any problems with the certs.
I am also having problems applying the preset materials. If anyone runs across any solutions in other forums, please repost here.
what about looking at renderman forum
go to Blender Foundation\Blender\xx\scripts\addons folder and rename PRMan-for-Blender-master to RenderManForBlender