Is this (understand I am not certain) what they mena about baking details from higher multires to lower multires? I haven’t gotten that far with multires sculpt details before, and only recently thought about that since taking up dyntopo scupt again.
People often assume more vertices = more detail. That’s not really true. Vertices are much easier to work with than UV’s though. Real time per pixel detail is usually achieved by working details into high poly models, and then baking as much as possible into textures/parallax maps/speculation maps and then using a tesselation shader. Baking is awesome.
Usually baking is difficult without a subdivision modifier which can be undone later. So I’m the future, it’d be a good idea to get that workflow ironed out a bit.
This version of blender has cycles disable right?
Yay it seems cycles is disabled, I couldn’t see it on the drop down menu. My only other issuse with this build was that it crushed every time I tried to use a brush with a texture.
I did manage to paint 2 000 000+ triangle dynamic topology sculpt nicely though. It’s a massive improvement over the current vertex paint. I hope it makes it into the 2.8 project.
Same here. No cycles. Texture painting seems fast and smoother using this branch too.
Guys can any of you reproduce the bug with image texture? i filled a report but it seems like mont29 is not able to reproduce it. Here is the report
If any of you can reproduce it please post your computer spec and OS.
Thanks in advance
Seems that this fix the first problem?
I think I read that multires problem is a known issue or not yet implemented feature.
I will rebase tomorrow to test image texture, okay good to know about multires. it seems like even mont, the mentor, didn’t know about it.
Well, along this thread had been talked about multires and multires crash. That’s why I had assumed Nathan knew about it.
By the way, I built today and apparently it no longer crash with textures.
Impressive result !
There is a place to download the latest build? no idea if this has ben updated so far. Thanks.
Newest build is in link in first post. Nathan is updating it.
No, the latest update is from 18-dec-2016 see here ->
If you didn’t find any new build by now here is a my built
With the latest change (18.12.2016)
Very nice of you, thanks and have a great time.
Quick feature request if its not already there since on OS X and cannot yet test the build.
Can you add in paint only faces of vertex colors mode toggle button?
Let me clarify. Currently vertex paint works by putting the cursor over a vertex, since vertexes are shared at a selection it paints data to each vertex making a radial gradient, this is the current normal way things work.
There is a tiny button that if you hover over it says “Face selection masking for painting”. Its next to the pivot selector and layers selectors.
If you press it you go into a right click face selection mode while still able to see the vertex colors. If you select a few faces and paint it will only paint those vertices you brush over.
You can also fill those faces in via the hot key Shift+k.
Selecting faces and hitting Shift+k pressing a to unselect and repeating the process is a time sinking workflow.
The feature request is instead of the brush looking for a vertex it instead looks for the polygon face and fills in those vertexes with its color.
The toggle button would be in the tools palette.
Its great way to paint a sharper low poly style and could benefit from paint blending modes as well!
Unrelated but would be great is if blender internal bake to vertex colors could have a face option as well but again unrelated
Even if it’s not exactly what you meant, you might be interrested by this add-on !
Ooooo Yadoob!!! While not exactly it that shows it “might could” be doable via an addon, will have to poke through the api, thank you!
Also your other scripts especially the diffuse to pencil is sooooooooo workable for many things!
I think it is what you were talking in the first place; “masking using vertex groups”. But if you find that tedious you can make “quick masks” too.
In vertex paint mode enable “Face selection masking for painting”. Then press “Tab” to go to edit mode, select the faces you want to paint and exit edit mode. You will switch back to vertex painting and only the face you just selected will be paintable. A type of quick masking…