Post a screenshot of what your currently working on.

Just mapping the basic topology out.

It compressed horribly:
Larger image


Giving my Joel-guy some hair!


Wow, looks awesome!
Kind of scary too.

I’m trying to put together an ‘Atlantian’
animation for my demo reel. I still have to do a lot of the armour, especially for the legs :D,
I want to make it fish-like armour for ‘The Atlantian’, (Namor) :smiley:
and weird tribal tattoos on his arms.
This is a lazy 4 minute ‘fingerless’ rig, he has no legs skeleton,
although I have rigged him somewhere in my HD.
I need to model some nazis for the crabs to rip to pieces,
and an HP Lovecraft kraken to knock the planes out,
then I think I could drag out a 45 second animation out of it.

I have been working on this for a couple of hours. Needs alot of work :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow, kind of an awkward looking gun, but not bad modeling.

Very nice style!
Old well mixed with new.

Thank you :slight_smile: I will be posting new images soon on

My first rig.

Seems like I have to tweak my weightmap…

I see issues at almost every joints… Ah! learning… gives some funny results sometimes :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks good other than the joints.:slight_smile:

(what is he pointing at?)

Are you doing BSoD’s introduction to Character animation?

It’s lookin pretty good :slight_smile:

Yes, the joints need work…

The never ending staircase illusion!


I’m rigging this guy, Mancandy FAQ style!:rolleyes:


I am still going to have to texture it, which will probably be a pain in the ass judging by the way I unwrapped it. 14k verts so far.


Nice werewolf man :smiley: we should have a chat under the full moon :stuck_out_tongue:

I am currently attempting to remake this picture:
I’m almost done with the mushroom…


Just something I decided to do few weeks ago. I dont have that much time to spend on it so Im building it slowly. Its gonna be a huge starship which is used for transporting some kind of liquid ( i havent decided yet on that)

I’ve got a few projects going.:spin:

Over-clocking an old P.C. for Blending.:evilgrin:

Starting an advanced topology study.:confused:

Puttiing together a hair tut.:RocknRoll:

Building a website; something I know almost nothing about.:o

I just finished reprograming my old P.C. so I’ll post a screen of the topo blank that I’ve started mapping my next time in.