Procedural Interior Showroom with Geometry Nodes

I’ve been working on this geometry node setup for quite some time now as a part of my University graduation project. I’ve been following a lot of geometry node projects here and I’m excited to finally show off one of my own!

Here is an animation showcasing the process of building a room and some possible outcomes

The idea is to have a tool that can quickly create virtual showroom environments, whatever the needs of a client may be. The model can then be manually tweaked if necessary.

Other than some materials from Blenderkit and some Humano models placed in the scenes for scale reference, everything is created with nodes. Getting everything to work together was quite a headache but a great learning experience.

I have fallen in love with geometry nodes over the course of this project, so I will definitely be continuing to experiment with them in (smaller :sweat_smile:) projects to come!

I would like the thank the geometry node community here on Blender Artists for providing so much inspiration and insight into various useful techniques. Especially @sozap, who helped me overcome a lot of issues I encountered :smiley:


Hello Ohli
Your work in GN is really great given that it is a new technology still in development… with a lot of missing functions and bugs! Would you be interested to demonstrate in a video how you made it that far and show the complexity of such a project? I would like to propose to you to show your work during the Girona Film Festival in October 2022 in Spain by video conferencing during the conference week?

Awesome @Ohli !

It’s great to see it in it’s finished state ! The video is quite impressive and the renders are great too !
I’m looking forward to see more procedural craziness from you in the future !


Hi Yves!

Thanks a lot for the offer! Quite a surprise hahaha. I am definitely interested, though I would need some more information about it for sure. I’ll send you a private message.

and thanks @sozap , couldn’t have done it without you :rofl:

I’ll make some more interior renders tomorrow, with nicer compositions to add to this post :slight_smile:

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Super cool ! I’m glad to have been of some help to you ! You’ve shown great motivation and commitment so it’s a pleasure to ask questions and follow the evolution of the project !

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Thanks ozgur!

I have added some new renders to the original post to better show the intended effect :smiley:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Thanks Bart! Have a great weekend too :smiley:

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I wanted to create a follow up post to document some of the work that went into creating a geometry node project of this scale.

The tool allows for a lot of freedom for the user to customise a procedural showroom interior of their liking, with 80+ customisation parameters per room, and the ability to have multiple different rooms, connected by procedurally generated tunnels. The result of this is seeminlgy endless possibilities, some of which are demonstrated in the YouTube video in the original post.

To make such a complex setup manageable, I dedicated a lot of time to maintaining a neat and organised node tree, as well as making frequent use of node grouping to break the project into smaller chunks. This was also done to make revisiting the project in future a lot easier, as node groups would be easier to update or replace.

The primary tree contains 4 node groups: a rectangular room generator, a circular room generator, a staircase generator, and a tunnel generator. These 4 node groups are used multiple times to connect up to 5 different rooms (can choose rectangular or circular) that can be activated and/or edited individually.

Next is the room generators. These also consist of various node groups, each dedicated to a different stage in the room construction or to extra details such as lights, blinds, floor platforms etc.

An example of this workflow being useful was during the development of a new room shape. To create the circular room I was able to use the rectangular room setup as a base and rework the node groups that needed changing.

With the rooms in place, I needed a way to connect multiple floors with stairs. This Topic: "Z-Up Curve Tilt" NodeGroup for Blender 3.0 (Geometry Nodes) helped with the base for a spiral staircase setup, which I expanded to contain all the customisation options I wanted to include.

The staircase generator also produces a shape that can be used within the main tree as a boolean, to cut the correct hole for the stairs generated.

Finally I created a tunnel generator that places a tunnel between 2 rooms at the shortest distance as well as cutting appropriate holes in the walls.

That’s about it! I am not sure how many people will see this but I wanted to create the post anyway to document it online.

If you have any questions about certain elements or would like me to go into more detail about certain things, please don’t hesitate to ask. I would love to share some of what I have learnt! :smiley:


This is such an impressive project, great job! It looks really great, keep it up! :slight_smile:



With the deadline for my graduation project coming closer, I have been working on ways of presenting the tool in a nice way for my documentation and ultimately the final presentation.

To showcase the tool in action I made this demo video:

I also worked on some smaller procedural assets to be used with the main tool, to bring the scenes to life and to allow more control for certain elements. I covered these in another post: Procedural Interior & Assets

Let me know what you think :slight_smile:


super cool workflow and exploration and excited to see the outcome and extension of this GN setup. Awesome

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