QRemeshify auto-retopologizer

Did a first little test of the new QRemeshify versus Quad Remesher.

Used a mesh that comes with the W Mesh add-on.

Used the default settings of both QRemeshify and Quad Remesher…

As you can see, QRemeshify has trouble with the spiraling mesh shapes. Quad Remesher does a better job, but doesn’t accurately follow the original edge loops, resulting in some edge loop spiraling (a known issue of auto-retopologizers).

Capped mesh variation…

Both auto-retopologizers do a better job here. QRemeshify manages to better preserve the hard edges, but still has stretched polygons, while Quad Remesher has no more edge loop spiraling, but didn’t manage to preserve the hard edges.

I’ll do some more tests. Anyone else is welcome to do so too, and share the results here.

:arrow_right: You can find some QRemeshify usage tips in this post:


Another test can be found here:

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Looking at this image with examples, QRemeshify should do great on hard-surface models as well, so maybe I’ve just chosen a very unfit mesh for the algorithm in my first test. :slightly_smiling_face:


Following my previous hard-surface tests with the QRemeshify auto-retopology add-on, there’s a new version now, which has fixed an issue where edges marked as sharp were not being detected.

QRemeshify now gives a better result, while the Quad Remesher add-on failed if I activated its hard edges option, so the edges are undesirably smoothed in that result.

Some QRemeshify tips can be found here.


Thanks man ! I was waiting for ages for some progress in remeshing. it looks really promising.

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I updated today and couldn’t find a uninstall button in the addons tab. I had to delete it from the "c:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2\extensions\user_default" folder. That was a first for me. But apart from that it works really great, even with default settings. The settings look very complex, so i am glad about that. Looking forward to how this will develop.


Despite “marked as sharp” and various changes in the settings, I am unable to remesh a few letters cleanly.
Does anyone have any tips?

Text-Sharp.blend (1.6 MB)

Did you enable Use Normals Splitting? I used that (everything else on default) on your file and got better results. You also might want to Merge by Distance those meshes, so there’s no floating stuff.

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Hi Tolkfan,

thanks for your answer.

I have it.
I only had to use the “Smoothing in QRemeshify” deactivate and I have a perfect object.

Sorry, I hadn’t mentioned that it was QRemeshify

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I had the same issue, my work around is to make the text mesh more complex, for example: add text, do not extrude it, convert it to mesh, create a grid, knife project your text on the grid, separate the result, now you can extrude the separated text mesh, triangulate the mesh, use QRemeshify.


The process I describeb previously. Is NOT the best way to do. I’m still experimenting and I haven’t found a good way yet.
I just got a good result without the grid thing…

My last succesful experiment:

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Deactivate the “Smoothing” for better results (especially in the curves).


I haven’t been keeping up with this. Can it remesh based on face map groups from the sculpt mode? Some nice results being shown here.

What you see here isnt quad remesher, its qremeshify. It mixed since Metin posted stuff about qremeshify here. But yeah in quad remesher its possible by facemap to material conversion.

Haha! Oh, yeah. I thought it was that new Qremeshify open source tool. I should have read the title a little more carefully… :grinning:

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:grin:…ok .If you thought its qremeshify you did everything perfectly right.

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Yeah, I was thinking, wow! somebody has made a Blender Qremeshify addon. :smiley:

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I was trying to use edges marked as sharp as a guides to keep cylinder and other parts topology straigth, but with no luck.
Maybe some one know the way or its simply not possible with QRemeshify?

Yeah, its not on par with Quadremesher but still quite nice: