Resident evil type game (Chaos Emergency)

Well, I am stuck on art in wrectified, helping a few projects a little here an there, but I would love to help.

That’s fantastic, very classy work my friend, as all of your works are! And it’s one of the games that makes me wonder why some people say that b.g.e isn’t capable of handling professional quality games! Wish you the best my friend, maybe I can give you a hand as well if you want to and can’t wait to play it!

Thank you. As you can see there is a lot of work to be done, if you have or can make materials, objects etc
please let me know, any help would be amazing.

Materials, if you need materials, ask me. If you give me textures, I’ll make materials;)

Hello Chaos very nice videos, you are really doing a nice job on this game.

Wow, this one looks really good! I hope you will release a playable demo really soon.

I see some great dynamics in this game now! But im not sure that the animations are well-blended. It’s gonna need a bit tweaking o.o

Yeah, the animations need to be gone over and adjusted slightly,

(The aim animation end is not the same as the fire animation beginning, )

I pushed things a bit out of synch when I isolated the upper back body animations from the lower body animations.

are the parts on different layers o.o?

yeah, but armature.playAction() is not that great at blending animations in my own tests, but I may be missing something.

Yeah thats only problem as before was the animations where snappy and choppy. Thats why i kept with logic, as it was easier work around than python because the
blending was too harsh. I love how simple BPR makes everything, it`s amazing.

Animations is everything, so that`s priority blueprintrandom is we focus on
getting them blending first before adding more stuff too the game.
Great work once again bpr, i wish i could code like that, but i will learn.

I just need to get the animations to end at the same keyframe that the next animation starts on :smiley:

worked on smoothing + inventory

Yo bro i already got a pick up system, that shows the item.
The inventory pop should just be like holding E or something. Great stuff on animation blending

Yeah, but what happens when the inventory is full and you try and pick up?

And I rewrote everything from scratch,

Almost all the third person shooters do it this way,
We can have the little overlay still play though that shows what the item is and have the object end up in the pick up/ put down slot.

Also now the game uses 250 less MB RAM(apparently all those bricks used quite a bit) and the file opens quickly, and I am using like 12 bricks, instead of 200.

Also, the same screen will be used for inventory as pick up system,
(So you can drop stuff on the ground)

Also note* the text is placeholder for icons or 3d models in the overlay scene°

It will look much more like RE4 when it’s done.

wow this video already got liked a bunch and retweeted a bunch, less than a minute after I posted (on twitter)

Yeah bro i understand, but im trying too do it like racoon city where there is 4 options. up, main weapon, down pistol, left health. right grenades. I like how youre doing it, it`s amazing and appreciate the work :slight_smile:

BluePrintRandom- Man your killin me, are you an expert at coding?
If u are you video is really Good man i like the fact that your using properties and python together with the Logic bricks your boss man. I always had a fear of diving deep into python scripting. But really nice work man.

We can do that as well :smiley:
(Hotswap)= when you press hotswap -> check all inventory slots build list of weapons if one is not built, if one is already made, and it’s the same as the one that was just built, just cycle the index, if the new list is different, find index of current weapon on new list -> cycle up one from new index.


edit: No Fred, just have kept on branching out from logic bricks -> python -> using logic+python -> importing external libs into blender

I don’t think there are many limits currently for the bge except the team you have.
If you have the art + the coder you can make any game.

Bigger game = more art
higher fidelity = (aggressive LOD and more lists/management) + more code and art.