Split Discussion from "Devepoer Meeting Notes"

Curve bevel profiles do exist, and do allow a lot of flexibility in their construction, but they are definitely not intuitive:

Now of course, knowing how to use the tool is important with something as complex as blender. But discoverability is important, thus the importance of being ‘intuitive’. Making something that works well for new users / simple cases is a great first step, and thank goodness that allowing for more advanced use cases is already on the roadmap.

@Stan_Pancakes try not to bite the hand that feeds you, or you might just be stuck with the current implementation after @HooglyBoogly bails on this project due to impetulant jerks like you. What you want, the developer wants too. The priorities may not be in the order you want them, but that’s life.

If the developer were completely unaware that this was a desired function, then it would be reasonable to raise it to their attention. But, since they already know, and share that desire, what do you really bring to the table by rubbing it in their face?