State of the world

we need more television programs like this :

world pece can be achieved… one swift kick at a time!!

sooner or later this hay rides got to end. But anyway what I think about the world. One things for sure I don’t think the world is worse today than any other day. We’re just becoming more aware of all the crap we used to be ignorant about.

The ozone layer protects from harmful uv rays, acting as a filter for the atmosphere.
As the Ozone layer depletes, more rays get in and this generates more heat.
The sun is not getting hotter, but now we get more exposed to it, thus it appears hotter.
It’s our planet thats getting hotter, the arctic poles are shrinking in size, greater variations weather patterns & yes folks, the sea is rising.
This could be passed of as climate change, in fact it is climate change, brought on by global warming that can directly be related to excess human activity on the planet.

They say the arctic poles will be completely melted in less then 6 years,

I listin to a right wing nut job named Phil Valintine, just so I know what they are thinking, and he says to his listiners with proud certenty,

" I ask you so called scientist, if the arctic polls are melting, how com there is no noticeable rise in see level?"

Is there anybody that thinks this is a good argument??

Well I ask you,
what happens when you have a glass with 6 ice cubes and water to the brime when the ice melts,
does the glass strat spewing water like a gizer?
no, it stays at the same level,
so if you get you news from folks like this Phil Valintine, you might need to wake up

I would sugest you start listening to Amy Goodman, at Democracy now, and Thom Hartman, at

Which mean sea level will rise . . .

No the level stays the same there Kbot

I have to say something.

The state of society is declining, freedoms are being taken away, students are forced to adopt liberal views, nutcases like Al Gore are spreading lies like human caused global warming.

This will be controversial, but a return to faith in God and Christianity is the key to saving society and the state of this world, much of the decline in morals is credited to Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution, God gets thrown out, incredible wickedness sets in. Bible prophecy has warned about this, and if it gets better, it will get magnitudes worse after the rapture, by that time the world will be a total mess that only Jesus himself will be able to repair.

we have all heard about thoses cia tapes of the prisoner intarigations that were destoyed,
the cia admittinly say it was because they were afraid it would damage the world view of the cia and jepordize the intarigaters to being targets to others,
like the germen justice department,
they are going after rumsfeld and a few others, and they almost aressted Donald Rumsfel in France, but he managed to crawl away like the little cocharoach that he is.
he sliped at the back door as the athurities came in the front is what he did, ofcourse the french prosicutre draged their feet when they found out he was there, but the heat is on for this cartel

There’s a really good magazine called Nexus which I used read back in the days. They had some good articles like the topics being discussed!

Hey cyborg dragon, I hate to rain on your paraid, but check this out

What’s the deal with the upside-down stars on the official GOP logo? I’m not making this up. The three stars on the official logo are upside-down. I thought upside-down stars signified, amongst other things, Satanism. At least that’s what my Mom told me when I was 13-years-old and wanted to buy Motley Crue’s “Shout At The Devil” album. From Carl Teichrib’s Pentacles and Pentagrams:

“Going deeper yet, the upside-down star/pentagram has long been recognized as the symbol of Satan. Anton LaVey, author of the Satanic Bible and The Satanic Rituals, lavishly used this symbol in his ceremonies and rituals – most often depicted as the ‘goat’s head.’”

There’s a great example of the upside-down star logo on the GOP En Espanol site.Wait – what? The GOP has a website in Spanish? I thought they wanted English as our national language.

So let’s get this straight. Right-side-up stars signify the American flag and the forces of good; the upside-down star signifies Satan, Motley Crue, the GOP, and a goat’s head; and the upside-down star with two humps on top signifies the forces of Bam Margera. Got it. Let’s move on.

You can do your own follow up investigation

i feel the world is getting worse everyday, thats why im gonna join the army! :smiley:

Well NJROTC - Good for you. BTW - what corps are you going for ?

Salvadore, I guess that means people can make conspiracy theories from everything, not because the GOP is a satanist party. Look at Mike Huckabee, he’s about the most godly most unashamed to love God man to run for the White House in ages.

personally, ive always wanted to be airborne, but it seems that might lead to back problems. whatever, who cares, i want to be a paratrooper, then, hopefully, MAYBE, i hope, spec ops! rangers lead the way!

I’m just glad you aren’t going for the airforce or navy. Infantry ho ha!

i feel the world is getting worse everyday, thats why im gonna join the army! :smiley:


I think he meant, if you cant beat them join them?

is that all you you got on this Pixel mas?
you are usually so out spoken

Come on folks - people don’t always join the army to “beat the system”. Think of the tradition, comradeship, skills and other positive things the service offers.