TexTools for Blender

Yes for sure, just do a merge request in my github ,


Baking doesn’t work at all

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I’m getting errors with the latest version, maybe something is broken.

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Sorry it was my fault, Wrong name in the addon folder after install …
this one already fixed… thx for report this error… :wink:


That was fast! Thank you @SavMartin!

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hi the direction checker map does not respect texture res:

also it would be awesome if we could rotate direction in 90 degree manner or invert it.
Many thanks for the awesome tool.

Edit: I know we could edit it shader editor but a one click solution would be much nicer!

bake.blend (2.3 MB)

Why the result im getting green color. Face orientation right direction. Any suggestion plz. Thanks

Hi @SavMartin, I’ve opened a PR to fix Align Island By Edge, have you seen that? Maybe you’d like to merge that?


You ray distance might be too close or too far, and then goind behind the actual face or not detecting it

Thx @Symstract for your fix , already merge :wink:


How does one bake cavity map with TexTools and Blender 2.83.1 ?

I select both objects as if I am baking selected to active with standard Blender’s bake tools, push Bake and TexTool just errors out on me :confused:

I have mirror mesh, i want to apply a logo on it. why its repeating i dont want to apply mirror modifier. Any option to fix with textool. Any suggestion or help. Thanks

On the texture node. change the repeat to clip, may have to adjust the image mapping coordinates afterwards though.

He will need to turn off the texture repeat as well, but I don’t think that’s what he was asking, he wants the S to be project properly while is mesh is mirrorred.

TexTools can’t help you there, this is a UV limitation.
You can use Flip U and a U offset in the Mirror modifier to match the S on the right side to the left side. This will however affect the UVs for your entire character, so if your mesh has other textures, it will affect them as well. It’s really not the best way to do it.

You could use Object projection instead of mesh UVs, but you will have issues if your character is animated. You will need to apply your mirror modifier if you animate it anyway, so you could then make proper UVs.


thanks it work

Pls Anyone has any idea why diffuse baking is turning out just flat grey? I have been having this issue over 12 hrs now.

Is this suposed to work with 2.83?
I get the “Upgrade to 2.8 required” message.
Do I need to do something to enable it?

I also have 2.9 installed, will it work on that?

Hey joviem. Try here. Have a good day. https://github.com/SavMartin/TexTools-Blender/releases


Hello, could you please fix “Align Island By Edge” for Blender 2.90.0 Beta too? It would be really great!
In Blender 2.9 the result still looks like this:

Blender also sometimes gives me this error:

Does the baking work?
I’m using 2.83 and none of the baking options work