the other day I as messing around with the settings to really just trying to get zbrush polish brush i already tried and messed around with presets adjusted accordingly as closely possible,
i explored the
dynotop workflow too which seemed to get the result alot faster
than the others and i got the shape i wanted fine just using low poly count for the head but as soon i wanted to tweak it further means to remesh it which also means it will change the perfect tweaks and details i did with dynotop, my eye details are gone thing looks different and messes with it.
the flat brush is planar brush entire thread around it here ::
to reply the comment in that thread :“why 1:1 to other software more like” i reply with as to why that other software made it that way?[for seamlessness]]
establishing a foundation with the brushes is fine sure but that means just dealing with work arounds it my experience.
but to each of its own.
I really love blender as im starting to build a good basis around it.
just because its done a way doesnt mean their isn’t a easier/seamless way to do it.
Why should I have to conform within one guys idea of an ideal workflow just because it gets the results?
thanx 4 reading :DD