The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 2)

And you’re a model of gratitude and respect yourself, of course?


i only speak the truth. some people dont like to hear it, but thats not my fault
if something is good its good, if is bad its bad. whats wrong with that?

i cant lie just to please the masses

I’m gonna tell you as honestly as anyone can. You have created this messiah persona around yourself that tells uncomfortable truths. Reality is you’re an insufferable person on the internet with an unhealthy obsession with 3D software. Its one thing to just be that person, but now claiming you’ve somehow contributed to creation of sculpt mode and others have done nothing and claim others have no respect, when all you do is annoy developers on every platform so much that you have to be called out day after day…


is that a joke? you werent even around. how long have you been using the sculpt mode?
dont talk about stuff you know nothing about

This is not the place for personal fights, let’s get back in topic :slight_smile:


To me, that does not make any sense, how this discussion completely derailed complaining about a 3D Cursor, that is totally absent from sculpt mode.

Sculpt mode pivot does not work as expected when 3D Cursor is chosen in other modes.
That is just a bug limited to this case. User just have to change pivot in other modes, until bug is fixed.
But it launched totally irrelevant design complaints about a 3D Cursor, sculpt mode users are not confronted to.

That is a patch about Sculpt mode. There is no concurrent patch about introduction of 3D Cursor in Sculpt mode.
So, discussion went outside of Sculpt mode, about 3D Cursor in other modes.
That is where things are not clear, where there is no consensus on a proposal.
Nobody wants to make a proposal in this thread. That is normal. That is out of scope.

OK. We can move on.

Oh. I guess you missed the point then…
The discussion is not about what’s in there, it’s about the desire of “putting wings” on the 3d cursor to drive the transform gizmo…
Why go to the trouble of using another tool for that, when all of this can be done directly in the gizmo? That’s the unnecessary thing I was talking about…

ThinkingPolygons was wrong.
Comment from Daniel Bystedt, that is the only one in the patch mentioning 3D Cursor, just mentioned reemployment of shortcut, used to place 3D cursor in Edit mode.
No involvement of 3D cursor in Sculpt mode.

Tolkfan is confusing pivot, gizmo, 3D cursor and Zbrush stuff.

When I read unclear Musashidan post, I can’t end up to conclusion that he wants that, too.
He is talking about merging 3D cursor and a dynamic gizmo.
He does not give clue about how that should work.
He just deplores a lack of pushing of features.

So, nobody really talked about that thing, in a discussion launched on a wrong basis.

What do you imagine other people do? Both hands on the keyboard?
Other software has way, WAY more left handed focussed Hotkeys, with qwertasdf being the main ones. Blender has plenty of them on the left, but then a lot of outliers (, . L, o, m, j being commonly used ones I can think of off the top of my head.)

Both hands on the stylus, of course! :laughing:
They hold it the way you’d hold say a tennis racket in both hands (just upside down) and then they sculpt that way.

greetings, Kologe


i was wrong about what?

i guess youre not aware of the design task that will change the behavior of the 3d cursor and make it be the only and exclusive transform pivot in sculpt mode

why involve the 3d cursor in this, why not make it straight forward as in most dcc apps?

i wish the people making those decisions first asked themselves “how is it done in other software?” and then improved from there. instead of trying to solve workflows that were already solved decades ago

In all honesty: From a user point of view, what difference does it make?
Weather the gizmo rides a winged horse named 3d-Cursor or weather it has wings itself?
It’s an implementation detail, why do users see a need to bitch about it, just to nurture some narrative about “Blender doing things the wrong way”?

greetings, Kologe


Indeed. I think I already saw it, but forgot about that.
I apologize to whom already made a link to that.

To me, what is written in this task does not make any sense.

To me, interest of 3D cursor in Sculpt mode would be to serve as a fixed position, as custom orientation, plane of symmetry, center of radial symmetry, as an origin for annotations.
Automatic updates of 3D cursor position is killing this idea.

Simplification of placement comes from a click and drag to place 3D Cursor, like current 3D Cursor active tool.
If there is also ability to hide 3D cursor, user could change pivot placement of gizmo without seeing 3D cursor.
But that means that, at a switch to another mode, 3D Cursor place would be where we left it in Sculpt mode.
That is worst than currently.

In other modes, orientation of 3D Cursor is modified by a shift RMB click, according to view or surface of geometry or active transform orientation.
Forcing transform orientation to be 3D Cursor orientation, disable the ability to realign orientation of 3D Cursor orientation to local axis of object.

Indeed, if there is only click & drag of 3D Cursor used in this mixing , why imposing it ?

The only argument of Julien is that is a fixed position common to all objects.
But why user would want same pivot position, while switching from one object to another, to move and deform different unmasked geometries ?
The complaint is that pivot placement is back to origin of object, after a mode switch.
But the implied request is that, after doing something else in another mode or on another object, the placement will be the same, as when we quit Sculpt mode, when we go back to Sculpt mode for this object.
That will not be the case, if we have one 3D cursor for all objects and all modes.
We will move 3D cursor in the other mode or for another active object.

That is a proposal that makes workflow more slow and less flexible, just to avoid bugs.
To me, that is obvious that, at first attempt to do that, everybody will complain.

you need to dig deeper into the subject, then youll understand what we are talking about

thats what we are talking about
the 3dcursor has no business in the sculpt pivot workflow. i dont understand why they insist on that
p dobarros patch is the right way of doing it

This is excellent, I didn’t know that existed. I’m glad the devs made the right decision.

The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.

oh we are dogs, how kind of you
now i know why blender used right click select for so long :v:

The 3D cursor can just be left as it is. I would appreciate it if the origin option of the gizmo in object mode could also be used in other modes. It feels odd that there is no pivot origin option in sculpt and edit modes. With over 15 years of experience using Maya, I believe having just the origin option would resolve any debate about the 3D cursor. It can be seen as an extended feature of the second reference point. I simply want to intuitively and freely move the position of the gizmo. Just like how ZBrush eventually adopted a universal gizmo.


i dont know if you have been reading the posts here, but thats exactly what we are asking here. and what p dobarro delivered in this old patch Sculpt: Option to transform only the sculpt pivot
the problem is that some users here think that complicate the process and add the 3dcursor into the mix is the way to go :upside_down_face:

the origin and pivot are two different things tho. in sculpt mode we would be manipulating the transform pivot. origin manipulation happens in object mode

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: 3D-Coat as a companion to Blender

Also somewhat of a side discussion but hopefully helpful to some: addon does that for Blender!