The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 2)

@kkar I’m pretty sure you have the Falloff Shape set to Projected instead of Sphere.
This is why the brush is projected infinitely in depth.

I also noticed that this one particular setting is not reset when using Reset Brush. I’ll report that as a bug :+1:


That was it, thanks for the tip.

@robin.hohni @Julien_Kaspar

I was trying the Softwrap addon…

You can use it to ‘‘skinwrap’’ a plane over a 3D model to make VDM.

That way you can build a model while remeshing and then swinwrap a plane over it after.

From my test it is working well, but is limited to ‘‘not to high’’ form… So I don’t think a horn would work. But to get the basic shape as a ear or nose it is pretty cool.

Softwrap an ear :slight_smile:

Softwrap a nose :slight_smile:

Here I have just Softwrap a ear from Skethfab

To prevent deformation of the plane corners, we can pin the border with a painted vertex group :

Then run the simulation…

Left Softwrap / Right Original sculpt


Cool! That looks interesting. Might be a good way to transform existing models to vdms :slight_smile:


Worfklow of how to create a VDM from your sculpt…

Using Softwrap addon…

After all the Zbrush tutorial I have watched on Youtube on how to create VDM…

I think Blender is actually better to create VDM with the Softwrap addon since you can just sculpt something without worrying about not being able to remesh your sculpt…

Also in Blender, the multires will slow down considerably after level 7, I have found. Even if you start from a simple 1 poly plane, going to level 8-9 with less than 1 million poly will make the multires modifier almost un-usably slow.

A workaround is to start from a plane with more poly (like 16k) so that a multires level of 7 equal to 4m polys.

I have also found that going to 16 millions, Blender can’t bake the VDM and just output a black texture.

In any case,

Being able to skinwrap a plane over your sculpt is pretty cool And the skinwrapping process is still interactive to correct a few things, so that kind of resolve the remesh and multires limitation.

Sure Softwrap is a paid addon, but it is well made and worth it’s price.


There should be a free way to do it with tools already in blender.



But sadly it is not possible right now… At least i’ve tried with a few cloth sim and the regular skinwrap modifier and all result are worthless…

I think if community can fill some Blender limitation, then it is a good thing. It just show the strength of Blender community and user case.

Even Blender studio have use the Sculpt Layers addon for their Charge open movie !!!

…an addon that cost 20$ :smiley:

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Being a Blender Studio suscriber for the last few years…

To me understanding, an Open Movie, means :

-We have access to making-off through the blog
-We have access to production log, every week
-We have access to the main characters and rigs of every movies

-We don’t have access to every files, shoots…
-We can’t download the ‘‘whole’’ movie… There would be no point in doing that, since most scene are probably a mess to understant and ‘‘cleaning’’ those files would take a huge amount of time.

I mean, yes they are open, very open…

Tell me one studio in the world that let you download their movie rigs ?


It is clearly stated in the blog post they tried to go without an addon (with shape key), but that didn’t work out. I’m sure layered sculting is clearly on their priority list, if it wasn’t already.


The first experiments to sculpt in layers didn’t work that well. We tried to do this with just the factory default features inside Blender, by sculpting on different Multires modifiers with the same base mesh, baking the details on each and applying them on each other via displacement maps. This gave something resembling sculpting layers

I thought I read on devtalk (when sculpt priorities were being organized) that the BF was finally going to realize why a general, non-destructive, layering system for things like painting and sculpting would be useful, is this really not the case or do they have a different approach in the works (like one that can be driven procedurally by or even simulated with Geometry Nodes)? I hope it is the latter.


This discussion about whether using commercial addons is in the spirit of the open movies isn’t even remotely on topic. Please stay on topic, guys.


Not an expert of the subject…

I think Joseph want to finish the Dyntopo and roll brush first…

There was some discussion about it here

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Also multires, which is in dire need of an overhaul for ages. No point in doing layers without fixing that first. Actually I would have prioritized it above… well, everything. Definitely above roll brush. But hey, that’s just me. :slight_smile:


I do confess, I tend to get told by my parents and others to get off of tangents or stay on subject in real life all the time, I do not think I need to experience the same thing for interaction online as well.

Staying on topic is one thing, but please don’t let this site move to drill-sergeant enforcement levels of such.


The task and the todo list for this (for reference), it is still underway.
#104613 - #103346 Dyntopo Refactor - blender - Blender Projects


Boy, that looks like quite a bit to go.

And here I was thinking when I read " The next step is to merge the Dyntopo implementation from the sculpt-dev branch into Blender along with the various cleanups and refactorings that were done to the core Sculpt API." exactly a year ago in the sculpt update blog post that it’s about to land any minute now. :smiley:

Well, checking again next year I guess.

Not so fast. “A couple things nodes…”.

Jokes aside, they’re doing a great job. Just wishing they’d get more resources is all.


I’ll try to keep this on topic.
I love addons like Softwrap and Sculpt Layers, because they save a huge amount of time and they are just as open source as the rest of the Blender project.
The GPL/GNU licence makes sure of that.

Also the price is 22$. Feel free to pay more to support the creator :smiley:

These addons made the movie Charge possible in the time we had but also gave some great insight & research for the sculpt mode developmenet.
I’m very persistent that there is no point in doing another project like this unless multires and sculpt layer development is part of its goals.
Charge was much more focused on hair curve development and curve sculpt mode :wink:


That is true.
A newbie would expect an intuitive way to create its VDM.

Current workflow requires to know how to bake, not be surprised about baking by Emit bake type instead of vector displacement, understanding that you need to use a weird material only with vector nodes, to a plane or a grid with a multires modifier.
And basically, if you don’t know about add-ons and want simplicity of one shape in one brush, you need the skills to sculpt it from a grid.
Because Shrinkwrap is not sufficient. Scene project brush is still in sculpt-dev branch, only.

Softwrap addon is based on simulation.
A simpler tool that does not require to fix missed collisions would be welcomed.

Ideal tool would create a VDM from a painted mask, a face set or a color attribute.
User would not have to quit sculpt mode and no need of intermediate knowledge about Blender to accomplish the current long process.
That way, VDM would have versatility in Blender than in other sculpting software.

Without Softwrap addon, that is complicated to create one.


It was a tricky decision. In the end the feature is usable so there was no point in not releasing it.
Making it all easier to use will be topics for the future.


Procedural creation and application of anchor points for VDM brushes with Geometry Nodes. It would work great for reptile scales, nuts and bolts, rocky cliffs, ect… (for cases where standard OpenVDB is too slow and inefficient).

It will already be more useful once it is usable in conjunction with the new Dyntopo and multires cores, but conjunction with nodes will turn it into a core Blender tool for the creation of highly detailed scenes.


Good decision, very appreciated! :handshake: