The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 2)

Apply Base is however not very good for that purpose. Pablo actually had a patch with another algorithm to apply the mesh changes to the base mesh that would have worked a lot better, but it was never implemented because of no one being able to agree on a proper name.

Probably the most annoying thing I have experienced with the Blender development considering how essential it is to sculpting → baking workflow, since it eats a bunch of time having to apply and rebuild Multires just to get the desired results. It is a very low hanging fruit issue that could be solved at any time.

Hai…When I contacted exoside about remeshing based on facesets, they said they don’t have access to faceset information…I am not a developer and don’t have any idea that how it works…Is it possible to solve this problem near future…?

Thats not true. Its already available since quite a while as attribute

Here’s the result of a check I once wrote.

<bpy_struct, FloatVectorAttribute("position") at 0x000001F627764B80> <bpy_struct, IntAttribute(".sculpt_face_set") at 0x000001F627764908> <bpy_struct, Float2Attribute("UVMap") at 0x000001F627764A80>
No select verts present
No select edges present
No select polys present
No hide verts present
No hide edges present
No hide polys present
sculpt_mask_vert NOT present
sculpt_mask_vertex NOT present
sculpt_face_set present

Some checks are irrelevant for you, but .sculpt_face_set is definitely present


The reply email is from last year august (my fault)…So it is available now…? then I can contact the developer again…Thank you for your response…


Ok, yeah maybe it was later than august. Yes its in,feel free to ask him for the current status, I’d be happy about it too. Let us know if there are some news. :slightly_smiling_face:

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On the topic of the quadremesher, is there any news about the update “planned” for this year ?
I’ve been really wanting to buy the addon but I would like to know what the pricing will be…
Is there gonna a be a pricing for the update from v1 ? Or have to buy v2 completely ?

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The last time I e-mailed with Maxime Rouca, the Quad Remesher / ZRemesher developer, he announced that a major update (V2) will follow this year:


It’s entirely possible right now with a little modification to the addon script. I’ve rewritten the operator for the Face Maps to Materials button to use Face Sets instead, and it works just fine.

I’d post it, but I’ve seen others post their versions in the quad remesher thread, and they’re no longer there… so, not sure if that’s legal edit: nevermind, I’m just blind :grimacing:

Then when the Multires rework comes, I vote for not making the new version a modifier. It’s confusing and probably complicated under the hood.

I downloaded your addon from gumroad page…and it is working…Thank a lot…

Is it possible to implement polish mesh by facesets / creases…Right now blender can do this but is limited to only one faceset at a time…’ slicing faceset’ which can create a straight faceset boundary, the option for panel loops would be helpful too…Is it possible to use “bisect tool”(from edit mode) code to implement that function(for slicing faceset)…? Again I am not a developer and don’t know how hard this will be…These are just ideas…
2023-03-03 00-18-22-1.mkv (1.3 MB)
2023-03-03 00-36-08-1.mkv (691.7 KB)

Correction…polish by facesets already exists in blender …Just discovered it…I think I successfully wasted 1 or 2 years of my life by searching for it…


It looks like retopology overlay is in main now :slight_smile:


It is looking great, but I don’t see any option for color information…right now there is no difference showing in editmode between 4 vertices with a face and without a face…


There’s a theme preference for this. Should be blue by default.
It’s called something like “Retopology Face Color”

Thanks for the info…It looks great…but why it is transperant by default…?


I prefer to be transparent instead, so I can see the mesh behind, awesome addition btw.


It could be a result of a customised theme, if you have one?

apart from this small change, no…

Hi, have you ever try this?

Ref sauce from Jamie Dunbar tut :slight_smile:

That’s customised, then :smiley:
It’s possible it doesn’t replace the theme if there’s any changes, much like brushes