Bravo, it shows all the time and effort you put into it. My hats off to you sir.
Thank you again, I’m very humbled
You gotta be kidding me,right? You managed to make this wonderful art,render and composition. And still made a walkthrough in form of tutorial? No way man! You are a marvelous artist. I can’t even think in any critic because you did everything in the best way. Congratulations aendom, please tag me in your next studies. Cheers
The concept art it’s from AnaÏs Maamar, I just model, texture and render! The tutorial its a pleasure to make, it help me improve my technical and logical skills. Thank you very much, appreciate it a lot. I will tag you in the next one!
Obra maestra! I really love this image, dude
Gracias maestro! pienso lo mismo de tus obras! Glad you download the clay scene!
I was very surprised with the clarity of the tutorials of your website, Great!
I love tutorials to be straight to the point. The next project I will do an improved version! bear with me!
amazing… great tutorial. thanks for this
Thank you glad you like it! Hope to see you soon with the next one!
Thank you so much! Such an awesome art and tutorial. Please keep posting!
As to the question if tutorials should stay easy to follow or to get more complex, I would go with more complex.
It is so wonderful to get insights of what makes a really beautiful picture.
Thank you!
The next project I will explain in more detail every phase of the project, including videos with commentaries. Thank you! I appreciate a lot the time that you take to check the guide and commenting here.
Aaaaaaaaw! The details! The screen-kitty! Her hat! The NES controllers! Everything is just so adorable melts into a fluid puddle without control object to help
Just saw you posted a tutorial… dies
hahaha comments like this make me go for more! Thank you very much, I’m very very glad you like it. And also hope that the tutorial helps to clarify how I do this images. (also you can download the clay render for free)
Dude, you should create an online course haha. One day I will reach this level of quality. Incredible.
Come on! Not reach but surpass it! I’m very glad you think its incredible! I’m very happy about that! About the online course, I will tell you that the next guide will include a lot more material. I will explain more phases and with more depth. Thank you for coming by Mauricio!
Excellent detail.
Thank you Nod64!
teach me sensei!
Hi! I made a guide, that it’s in the description. But the next project I will make also videos. So I can explain better my workflow from scratch. And thank you!