the rain is gone...

Excellent picture man, just excellent


I like the Blendering in this, in fact it’s amazing - however I’m not sure I like it from a subjective point of view.

I didn’t get much emotion from it at all except in a theatrical Japanese Anime sort of way which never really does it for me. I find the robot out-of-place especially considering the emotional content and the setting is all wrong for something trying to be deeply emotional. It’s too over-the-top a setting for it. If it was an ordinary bathroom I’d feel it alot more I think.

I hope none of that comes across as insulting - especially as I could never actualise such a sentiment anywhere near as well as you have in Blender given my complete lack of skill despite any criticisms I may have.

Anyway - several other people obviously see a power that I do not so I’m in the distinct minority here.


Nice @ndy, really cool. I like your style, clean, smooth, always good lightning and good shaders. Mostly on cg talk and such you see overfilled images with hunderds of objects and huge amount of detail, but I also like this, simply and clean, but really awesome. :smiley:

Keep going like this, I think we’re some kind of Blender Abbasador, showing what you can create in blender and such, really great work. :slight_smile:
Btw, how much do you use blender? 2 hours a day or more? I’m just curious. :stuck_out_tongue:

This tells a story and therefore makes it one of your best pieces, @ndy! The robot is a great addition. A little out-of-place at first, but then immediately it fuels imagination.

hey, thanks a lot for the replies!

JD-Multi: it depends… when i’m inspired and have time it can be 24 hours :slight_smile:
but it’s not like i’d use blender on a daily basis just for the sake of using it.

roger: yup i sketched the robot before i modeled it… nothing worth to show anyways. but i think everyone should sketch their ideas out before they start blending, it helps improving the scene a lot and avoids you ending up in the wrong way.

slikdigit: teeeeeeheeheeeee!!!

to all: thank you for the critique! it really helps gaining more experience… even if it sometimes looks like i’m ignoring it, i memorize every comment and go back looking at them before i start a new thing. :slight_smile:


edit: more details…
and btw, there’s no sss involved :wink:

It occurs to me the woman in the image may be a Rutger Haur style robot [edit: android]? It would explain the little robots presence. In that case she is even more likely to generate an emotional, sympathetic response from me. So very Gothic.

Very excellent. I like the mood, and the whole scene makes me think of Metropolis or Bladerunner.

incredible lighting.
some parts look like they have SSS or wicked GI but that cant be if theyre rendered in blender internal.
@ndy, any plans/ideas for a tutorial/tutorials on lighting?
modelling’s first rate too, so’s the texturing.

keep it up


Great image!

My only crit on this is that if she did slit her wrist with that knife, then there should be blood on the blade, but you have it spotless. Other than that, great job!

look closer, there is blood on the blade.
when you cut your wrist, there’s usually just a slight bit of blood at first… well usually. you would have to chop your hand to stain the whole blade.


he’s alive :smiley: and you know that how… i love the little robot, i’ll say more later, got to go.

look closer, there is blood on the blade.
when you cut your wrist, there’s usually just a slight bit of blood at first… well usually. you would have to chop your hand to stain the whole blade.

my mistake then. I looked on the closeup image you psoted on the previous page and couldn’t make it out, so maybe make it a little darker/more defined?

look closer, there is blood on the blade.
when you cut your wrist, there’s usually just a slight bit of blood at first… well usually. you would have to chop your hand to stain the whole blade.


I hope this doesn’t mean this is something you do regularly.

wanna marry me @ndy, and teach me your skills? :smiley:

Great image, I just can’t stop being impressed by your work :smiley:

the lighting is a-w-e-s-o-m-e… Can we get a link to the larger render? I’m guessing some low power hemi’s facing the camera to give the glowing edges effect, along with many other things. The little robot is excellent, and for only 1 hour, well, I can only practice… I really like it, and I’ll leave it at that.

Wow! this is one of the best images i’ve seen made by blender icon_eek.gif

with clock-like regularity, the fan boy shows his face. His call is characterized by its fermiliar “thats the best image ive ever seen made in blender” sound.

Nice image @ndy. I can’t say its my favorite but I like it just the same.

very nice!

it has something familiar with good old master steven stahlberg pictures.

This is a really great piece… why don’t I see it on cgtalk?

The fan-boy wtf? I just like the image sjeez :-?

What I think when I saw the image is that it is very well done, very personal and sad. I think many people feel like nowhere to go… man, at least a third of the people I know have sometimes seriously felt like there’s no hope. Captain Cook said when he explored Australia coast and saw the aboriginies for the first time that they’re happier than us. “In Europe we are used to have luxury and comfort”, he thought that is what makes people sad. Take a trip and see a new part of the world for real, not television. That really makes you strong and wake up your mind, eat more healthy food, big variation. That also helps. Anyone feeling like the picture, there’s always hope. If you’r ever felt great, you will feel that again. But there is difficult times to feel low… it’s scary how much the brain can fool people, but knowing that does help a tiny bit.

Life is a roller-coaster, you just gotta ride it.