There is no any retoplogy addon work in 2.8 yet? am i right?

i miss them so much~

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The zremesher developer is developing a version call QuadRemesher but this is going to be a paid addon but it will be worth every penny!

Here the link;

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ye, one of the few reasons Iā€™m still using 2.79 is because of retopoflowā€¦ :frowning:

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There is thread here where the devs mention they are currently working on it ; Any news on Retopoflow integration for Blender 2.8?


AutoFlow(quadriflow based) add-on works pretty well. So does DynRemesh add-on which is included with autoflow for Dyntopo sculpts.

Although, manual retopology would be a plus.

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I checked that one, not one of the most lively threads. Iā€™m even checking their github every week or so :smiley: Well, fingers crossedā€¦

Yep i also notice the lack of activity but sometime when developers are not talking too much they are coding!

I know call me an idealist! :sweat_smile:

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Retopoflow dev work is usually done in bursts when CgCookie pays them. WouldnĀ“t be surprised if thereĀ“s a concerted effort to update the addon soon, but these are also vacation times for many people.

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Really? Iā€™ve been using Tesselator for the last couple of months. Works fine for cleaning up sculpts. The author is constantly pushing his limits and updating stuff.

You can try one of these:

Ice Tools may very well be indispensable for retopology in Blender 2.8, but I have never been able to figure out how to use if for retopology. Is there some documentation somewhere? Is there a video tutorial somewhere? Are we talking hard surface model retopology only or can you do organic model (sculpt) retopology with it?

Also good for organic modelling . You have to select first a target mesh. Then there are several ways to create mesh around the original one. Ice Tools is also part of the Creative Bundle. Here is Ianā€™s YouTube Channel. You might be interested in Addon update number 5 video I believe it is.

ok.actually i wonder a retoplogy tool for organic keep waiting~

currently there is a bridge for ā€œinstant meshesā€ which is the only one I am aware and one of the better non payed options.

No sure if that is mentioned already here, but remesh and retopology are two different things. You can have a good remesher, but doesnā€™t mean it gives good topology.
For real retopology you can do it with blender without addons. Technically it is not that difficult (though retopology itself can be hard, at least for me). Indeed Instant Meshed Remesh is the best free addon for remeshing. As far as I know there is no free addon for retopology. Maybe BSurfaces will help (already build in Blender. There are some addons coming soon to do retopology though, but looks still a bit experimental. (works with cloth simulator as far as I remember).

I hope that a similar tool will appear in the Blender.


But at the moment I use Maya for retopology.

Several retopology operations in the video are possible with this PolyQuilt add-on.
Operations such as movement, extrusion, knife removal, loop cut, etc., and their symmetrical editing can be performed only with the left mouse button.
As it is still beta version, I think that there is room for improvement if you support developers.

PolyQuilt | Blender Lowpoly addon for Blender2.8(beta)