This is just wrong.....

Ahahahahahaha I had a huge grin on my face the whole way through. The part where they threw the separate genders down the chute was the best.

Relax people, the first few days of life suck pretty much no matter what.

Are you going to bitch and yell at Jews? Because I think circumcision is a LOT more painful by FAR than this.

ya, i think iv heard that some baby birds bones are made of cardalidge, i know some ducks do but not sure about chickens:spin:

I was thinking, we have about a million people in our city. If one third eat a chicken biscuit for breakfast, another third eat a chicken salad for lunch, and a third eat a half-chicken dinner each day, that’s about 4 million chickens a week that have to be ‘prepared’ every week. How many truckloads is that, anyway? When you think about that kind of volume, every week of the year, day in day out…it boggles the mind.

Are you going to bitch and yell at Jews? Because I think circumcision is a LOT more painful by FAR than this.

some Christians do it too… Years ago in Utah it was a law, no matter what religion you belonged to, they inflicted their beliefs on everyone.

I personally am against both Mutilating children, and causing unneeded pain to animals. (and Yes I do enjoy Pork Chops, Hamburgers, and Fried chicken…
I buy all my meat from a local farm here where everything is range fed, the animals live pretty normal lives, until they get shot.I have my own chickens)

After sorting the male chicks out, they either suffocate them, by tossing them into a garbage bag and sealing it, or drowning them. The carcases are then processed for animal food usually.

The female chicks are usually de-beaked, (some are de-clawed) so they dont peck each other in the cramped spaces that they are living in.They never get any exercise , so the meat is really fatty. They usually feed them with GMO corn too, which I will admit there is no evidence that show it harmful to humans.
I just dont want to be a Guinea pig, and find out in 10 years from now, that the reason I have breasts that produce milk, is because I consumed GMO products.

Oooh - Do they taste better than chickens?


Besides, I wouldn’t vouch for the brains of chickens… if you cut it off the body still runs around for a minute… so I don’t think that head is really needed too much anyway.

Oh and vegeterians usually lack certain minerals, unless they take suplements…lacking these minerals and proteins can lead to a hightened agressiveness (hey, you may not want to eat meat, but your body might demand it).

Due to this vegeterians need salt… conclusion: they don’t taste as good as chicken.

This video introduces a surprising level of separation that I doubt anyone else has caught. I do I.T. for a living, and I once had to fix a pc in the office of a hatchery. I can’t quite describe the emotional effect of the SOUND of thousands upon thousands of chicks. It’s quite disturbing, especially being a vegetarian myself.

i wouldnt no,
looks painfull

I think the idea started in the 70’s just like this:

Haha, ever heard of Mike the headless chicken? It had it’s head chopped off but survived for another 18 months after.

Oh and vegeterians usually lack certain minerals, unless they take suplements

who told you that (or where did you read that)?

or do you know that from personal experience?

(btw. this is a well known mantra originating from pro-meat medic camp … perhaps you don’t realize there are nations who are bound to vegetarianism due cultural/religious heritage and are living hapily for ages without_any_supplements … just like some of apes that are genetically closest to humans)

in my experience and personal view, “need to take supplements” is a marketing campaign targeted to meat eaters and those who “might jump ship” but are “afraid of possible consequences” …

Of course, there are highly trained professionals who are vegetarians/vegans themselves, so for debating “supplements” and other veg-related themes, one should either ask:

  • a vegetarian/vegan practitioner
  • such doctor/ trained medical proffesional (find one)

and NOT blindly repeat / believe everything that meat-eating persons may say … however learned they may appear … it’s like women debating male orgasms or vice versa for that matter.

On taking supplements: your world will certainly NOT fall apart if you DO take them, though …

PLUS: your remark on how vegetarians taste was completelly tasteless and shows your personal level rather well. As such, I’m not really responding to_you (except this line) - my post is rather targeted to debunk urban myths you spread (aka. FUD), i.e. to_those who did read what you wrote in your post.

Good place to start searching for solid vegetarian/vegan-related info is

just a side note: “meat bussiness” is a BIG bussiness, when you do a little math …
not really ethical bussines, though.
especially when you consider that being a vegetarian/vegan is a healthier option.

DO NOT trust what I said, though. Do your research.

Gosh that is_quite_a_thing_. My_word. I_agree with you though, I think vegetarians can quite easily get all the nutrients they need. I’d just really miss my ham_burgers though. :slight_smile:

Vegetarian diet lacks many amino acids.

You need them to build muscle tissue properly. You will notice that people who do not supplement the amino acids in their diet get very thin and gaunt .Lots of idiots think that by eating Tofu rather than meats will do this for them. On the contrary, it will make them bloat up and get fat rather than muscular .

There is another class of people called Fruititarians .
They are easy to pick out in a crowd , just look for the people with black teeth, and baggs under their eyes from the lack of vitamin B12 in their diets.

If you guys get talked into either vegetarianism or Fruitisem be sure to do the research before you make yourselves very sick.
You can supplement everything you need by getting liquid amino’s (find at most health food stores) , eating B complex vitamins and by consuming sea salt.

And please remember that just because you changed your diet dose not give you the right to be obnoxious to carnivorous people.

I invited my boss and his wife over to dinner one night to get to know them (brown nosing ).
Well, his wife had gone into a cult called Vegan , and they did not tell me or my wife.
So with my luck I decided to impress them with some very expensive fillet mignon that I stuffed with garlic and mushrooms, wrapped in bacon, and broiled to perfection.

When they came over, and dinner was served, she compared me and my wife to Hitler, and accused us of supporting animal torture. She went on a total rant for about 10 minuets, until I looked her right in the eye, and told her to get the f#ck out of my house and to never come back.

Ever since then we have banned inviting over Alcoholics,Drug addicts, Religious zealots/lemmings, and Vegans from dinning with us.

If you guys decide to become like this, you should warn people that they must cater a special meal just for you. (or you can just STFU and not eat the meat, and focus on just the fruits, breads and veggies like a normal polite person)

A proper diet is very important. I dont eat as much meat as I used to. I try to focus on raw vegetables and fruit more. I also try to eat small portions of Fish 2 to 3 times a week. We only have beef,and pork on special occasions because of all the fat.
We only have chicken once a week because I am too lazy to harvest, and pluck them more than once a week.

What did your boss do after you told his wife to “get the fuck out of my house”?

Ah, that is a great sentence :slight_smile:

this sentence is better

I think animals should be treated humanely before they are killed and eaten. Not only is it easier on your conscience, but they taste better and are better for you. Despite the cruelties of the mainstream meat industry, it is not the only option.

Then I came upon this:

We just need to be more responsible and considerate. Hopefully this trend will catch on.

who was the one that was talking about the cows that are sicked by dogs before they are shot, ide like to no more info cus that shit isnt right

I saw that entire episode on television. When I was watching I felt really bad for the little chickens. While I agree that sometimes people are unnecessarily cruel to animals, it is a business and they have to process a certain amount a day to stay open.

I think people should eat less meat though. I am very much a meat and potatoes guy, but I try to eat meat in moderation. A balanced diet will make a person healthy.