TLWH - Official Teaser Release (coming to Steam in 2020)

Hey everyone, we are proud to share some more development progress on our Game.

Hope you love the update.

About switching to UE4: @haidme, you are right, switching to UE4 cost us some time, because we had to relearn quite a lot of things. On the other hand, using UE4 helps us to save time as well, because there are a lot of features supported naturally, which would take a very long time to recreate in the BGE (for example, wind shaders and screen-space reflections) The Unreal Engine allows us a lot more flexibility, and we have to worry less about performance issues and random bugs while using it.

Another key point: The lighting of Unreal Engine is just so awesome to look at. It comes with so many great features right of the bat and that´s why we love it.

And the last point is definitely stability. The way the Unreal Engine is set up allows for a great workflow. The BGE still misses an Asset based system (although I know you can kind of do that with Group Instances) but in UE4 everything is just a lot more polished.
And since our goal is to create a well polished game, we chose to use a well polished engine.

Awesome Stuff buddy thanks for sharing !!!


The game is looking super cool! And if you’re working as a team, you will progress even faster! Good luck with this project, and may it succeed!!!

You rock guys! Keep up the great work!

Here´s another devlog, this time we talk about Character Design and Voice Actor Auditions.

Guys, we need your help.

Yesterday we launched the first teaser for our Game “The Long Way Home”

And now it’s time to spread the word. Since we are a very small team, getting your help

New blenderartists post (let’s get this featured :D)


this is so cool man congrats :+1:

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