hi, sorry for confuse. yes, fixed that one.
!!! Thx META !!!
A feature suggestion (with patch):
Set curve frames to curve length. I regularily use curves for animating car and train movements, and for me it is confusing to think “frames” instead of meters.
Therefore I added an operator that sets the frames to the length of the curve.
< "author": "Mackraken, guy lateur",
> "author": "Mackraken, guy lateur, Jonatan Bijl",
> bpy.utils.register_class(Operators.OperatorSetCurveLength)
> bpy.utils.unregister_class(Operators.OperatorSetCurveLength)
> class OperatorSetCurveLength(bpy.types.Operator):
> bl_idname = "curvetools2.set_frames_to_curve_length"
> bl_label = "Set Frames to Length"
> bl_description = "sets the frame count of each selected curve to its length"
> @classmethod
> def poll(cls, context):
> return Util.Selected1OrMoreCurves()
> def execute(self, context):
> for obj in context.selected_objects:
> if obj.type == 'CURVE':
> curve = Curves.Curve(obj)
> obj.data.path_duration = curve.length
> return {'FINISHED'}
Good morning!
I’m tring to this addon, but when I try to make a loft with 3 or more curves, it does nothing. Loft and auto loft only work with 2 curve.
step by step:
- add 1 curve,
- copy and moving a bit 2 times
- select auto loft
- result nothing :spin:
what i’m doing wrong?
I’m working on linux with last version both of blender and the addon.
nobody can help me?
More than 2 for this loft tool is not possible. unfortunately!
See collapse menu title.
AutoLoft only ‘hook’ the generated mesh to the curves after excuting the loft operator.
- select 2 curves
- execute loft for mesh generation
- enable autoloft and move or edit one or both curves
than - add or select a new curve and repeat the previous steps (1+2)
thanks for reply
Is that maybe a regression?
because on the first version making a loft between more than 2 curves were possible…
I agree with you!
The 1.5 version is the best one for direct 3d view editing.
I hope it comes back…
not likely as no-one maintains & api changed too much. imo the auto loft functions are far better working & it was only my persevere & begging devs familiar with the code that restored the functionality this far. most likely we will write a new addon for curves in 2.8
I would like to help, to make a new one, but this stuff is to complicated for me.
Your Auto Loft is a greate alternative of course.
Maybe someone want to start a crowdfunding project for it?..
Sorry for the thread necromancy, but what is the license the curve code is released under? If there never was one, could the author(s) please officially give it a license?
Hi kattieru. The original script curve_tools.py is under GPL and the continuation from guy lateur does not look to have one. Feel free the send him a message. May i ask why are you interested?. Thanks.
odd, seems the no gpl block needs to be fixed.
please note we have curve tools2 in nightly blender builds and the files are here:
hi, the original curve loft was totally broken, so I had asked batfinger if he would look at writing a loft to replace it.
The replacement was not exactly the same, but the auto loft feature is quite nice still and worth having.
I’ve never really bothered with licenses. You can use my code as you see fit. I do request that if you just plainly reuse some of my code, you give me a mention as the original author. That’s just a question of common decency, though; I won’t take any legal action if you don’t do that.
@Meta: if you want to put some kind of license on my/our code (just to make things clear), you’re free to do so.
@Mackracken: Licenses are important when you’re working at companies and may have interest in using code as a basis for something larger, even if you’re only looking at the code for reference.
I’m only interested in Curve.py, as I hadn’t seen anyone calculate things quite like this before (the split into “segments” is a nice touch) and I was considering taking the technique.
Sure, help yourself. Like I said, a mention in the credits would be nice…
Hello. I can not run this script under blender 2.79. How can I do this?
Hello. I can not run this script under blender 2.79. How can I do this?
Hello. I can not run this script under blender 2.79. How can I do this?
Hello. I can not run this script under blender 2.79. How can I do this?
You can’t. The addon is broken and no longer supported. Sorry.
How to install the addon. I have download the zip file and install the zip file but i cant get in the search box to activate. I tried only with the curve addon copied on desktop and install yet cant find the addon to activate. Im using 2.79. Do i have to install the zip or the single and why its not showing in search to activate.