Uniform sculpting app

Latest feature from Pablo’s new sculpting app called Uniform:
''Uniform can create low poly game assets by sculpting directly to textures, creating the normal map in real time. No high poly meshes, no retopo, no baking.

These the same geometry based tools used for high poly sculpting that properly react to surface shape and displacement.‘’


No more need for baking.


Damn, this is pretty nice. I had to fix little things on game assets tons of times back in the day, going all the way back to highres and rebake was always painful.


Wow this was a feature i always thought about as a programmer but never saw anyone attempt it, this is so cool.


Man, that would make baking near obsolete for me. Only thing coming close to that level of convenience has been baking normals from Multires, but Blender also lacks the ability to bake the other maps from a normal map like in Substance Painter.

Very cool feature. If the software was on PC I would buy it.


Very true this will be an instant buy for me.


@dan2 @Lamia Yeah, I mentioned something like this in the older sculpt thread:

Pablo made something far better and easier. That guy is very talented. With that feature, Uniform I think makes Zbrush kinda obsolete for game development. No need for baking, high poly meshes or retopolgy!!!

@Frozen_Death_Knight I am praying he makes a PC version as soon as possible before Zbrush steals this idea.


Yeah that is universal reaction to this from CozyBlanket. Pablo seems ready to die on the hill that iPad is the future of sculpting, and so far not many people are buying it. He seems content with handful of indie people as his userbase, but eventually his ideas will be adopted by PC softwares and he’ll have to come up with some novelty again to attract people.


He did say on twitter that there is a strong possibility of this application coming to desktop as it was not build around hand gestures and multi touch unlike CozyBlanket.


He says that, but looking at his videos it seems it was. Internally it might be portable on PC, and I think thats what he means, but looking at what he does none of that is recreateable without hand gestures and using multiple fingers for different things. Mouse can’t do that. If he was to demonstrate same thing on PC it would take him 3x time. Porting this on PC will require a design task that is hard enough to be equaled to creating UX for software from scratch.

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Take this with a grain of salt (I will have to dig through really old threads/posts to confirm it) but I do remember something like this being mentioned by a developer years ago, as a potential plan for sculpting/painting, and I think even Pablo Dobarro wanted to work on this functionality for Blender too. Too bad it never materialized…


Seems like it is a lot more possible with this.


Well he better figure it out soon if he’s hoping to cash in on that, because not a single big studio is willing to integrate iPad of all things into their pipeline. And the harsh reality for him is that what he did is give other softwares ideas. Now AAAs now this is perfectly doable, they’ll ask for it, and softwares will deliver.



No worries. Wasn’t trying to take credit or anything of the sort. Just wanted to say I wanted something like this in the past. Didn’t think it was possible and always wondered why we were going the high poly route and always baking and retopologizing when we could just paint instead.

Its awesome to know there were devs already thinking about implementing something like this years ago.

Oh no, I’m sorry hehe, I didn’t mean you were taking credit for it or anything like that, I just wanted to add to your comment, because as a user I have also always wanted something like this, and the only time I saw a mention of such functionality it didn’t seem to get any traction at all :frowning:

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No worries. :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

Right? I am still wondering why Zbrush for example didn’t think of this. I would also presume this new feature Uniform has also eliminates the need for high end cpu since you can paint realistic surface details rather than sculpt millions of polygons which has been the norm for some years now.

It beats me, Zbrush afaik was already on this path isn’t it? I mean, with their pixols and 2.5D black magic… I don’t know enough of the technical side of things to know for sure but I always thought they were going to do something like this at some point.

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I get why people want the convenience of walking around with an iPad for this stuff, but I frankly despise any type of touch technology when it comes to doing complex work. Nothing comes close to the speed of a keyboard and a PC desktop pipeline. It takes too long to move stuff from a touch device to PC which the final result would be on anyway.


IME I’ve found it extremely difficult to raise issues with BF. IME posts on BA seem ignored by devs. In theory RightClickSelect and bug reports are our channels to devs, but IME they’re not. To post on devtalk or chat you need to be a dev right?, which would exclude a lot of people. I’m studying the Blender source so I can contribute, but that’s a big barrier to entry, and many users are artists and animators, not coders anyway. There are the conferences, but many users don’t have the time and money to attend those. Blender studio’s own productions are supposed to anticipate what we need by having the devs do their own productions, but IME that’s like favoring one customer’s contrived needs and ignoring everyone else’s, and in the real world you don’t let devs test their own products, because they know its weaknesses and avoid them even subconsciously.

When companies are in their Growth phase, they have Product Managers who gather requirements from customers/users to keep them happy, and because your customers/users know how to use your product better than you do.

But Blender isn’t a company. I recall Ton saying the devs already have ideas where they want to take Blender, that they don’t sit around the office waiting for us to tell them what we need. IME I don’t think they’re interested, because they have their own interests. Which is why our ideas - and needs - have nowhere to go.


I’m really looking forward to see this out in desktop.

By the way I think the discussions about Uniform deserve their own thread.

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Uniform has potential… but damn, that UI :smile: