The unanimated still frame this is based on is made for the CG Boost competition with the theme “Snow Creature”… can you spot it? Be fast, it can be quick…
When the longest night is darkest and the endless winter is coldest
the world is frozen at its starkest and your bones never felt as old as
the moment you see the rust in your bone is the frosting wind blowing
under your clothes stopping the warm blood from flowing
Render + Animation + Music + Text: Toxic Tuba
Made with Blender 2.91
Rendered with Cycles
Colorgrading done in blender Compositor just because
Final composite and more colorgrading in After Effects
Music composed in FL Studio
thanks to V☰X for help with the snow texture
and blunder for general creative input
You can grab the Snow falling black and white mask for your own Video Projects for free on Patreon
Find my previous animation here: