Worn Tires | New Physics

Thanks! If you want to get similar reflections in your game, just PM me and I will send you .blend with material and setup;)

have u looked into makeing other cars? I remember messing around with the vehicle wrapper a few years back. I was able to get some cars with ai, and track routes. they also would crash really reallistically. it was cool. I think i took the vehicle wrapper apart and gave them some random speed settings, and used a align to axis script on the front tires. they would align to the track markers. when i did it i was a noob at coding thinking on it now it shouldnt be too hard to do.

Would you like to help me making AIs? I am noob at AIs, I don’t know almost anything of their mechs. Most of AIs for my games(for example, Minosaur) is made by tohers. Only AI that I has successfully made is quite a dumb zombie, but he doesn’t fall on ground while attacking player.

here is a test i did last night for u.


V_wrapper_with simple_AI.blend (2.08 MB)

Thanks for help! However, the .blend doesn’t appear to work. The car falls without tires on it. IDK what’s wrong. I’ll take a look later in console. However, I guess I can join you as partical developer for this game. And, if we make this perfect - also a part of protif splitters. I guess you are ready to join as AI developer!:slight_smile:
Thanks! :wink:

just took a look at it. it works for me. i’m on 2.72, and i have python installed.

i have 2.75… I will test with older version.

Wow this is cool. Can I use this?

Well, if cuervo doesn’t mind, I think you can!:slight_smile: Doesn’t work in 2.74 aswell. IDK why, but car falls on ground without tires and nothing happens to me.

It works in 2.70

Hmm… I will try in 2.62 candy branch… Also doesn’t work. Testing with console.

Python script error - object 'Car_Red', controller 'Powertrain':
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Powertrain.py", line 185, in <module>
    turn -= tSpeed*2
  File "Powertrain.py", line 23, in main
  File "Powertrain.py", line 44, in ConstraintID
KeyError: 'value = gameOb[key]: KX_GameObject, key "vehicleID" does not exist'

cuervo1003, any idea why it shows that to me and not to others? I tried redownloading the file and get the sime.

do u have python insatlled? thats the only thing i can think of? I have 3.4 installed.

IDK! What’s about the fact that I have Linux?

OK! I did the following:
*Download and extract Python 3.5.0
*cd It and do ./configure
*Do make -j4 (-j4 so that it goes faster)
I test the .blend now and it still doesn’t work.

v0.76a Chagelog:
*Showing all advancedly edited paints
*Car destruction (non-accurate yet)
*Reduced standart grip of car


You can use a texture for the lines on the car to save verts

Like the line you see here

Here’s the doorline textutre

You can bake a normal map for depth


OK! I will do the textures later that will be multiplied over the material for AO.

The car material that I’m sharing for eceryone.

Nice, I’ll share a screenshot when I add it in

Good! Keep good work at your project! Good that I can help you out;)